
Hey dude, i jst wanted to ask if you gave this guy: @MiguelAngelo759 permission to translate n repost ur work, it's in brazilian portuguese but it's ur fic, sorry for the trouble if you did, it's just that i didn't see any credits and got worriedand on the beggining of the chapters there's messages like: i really outdid myself in this chapter, i got inspired in this one, etc. That made the alarms in my head go off.


@olha-a-troux4-vindo i know your brain is probably too small to comprehend this since you’re clearly about 13, but it’s really very very sad that you clearly have no writing skills yourself so you have to steal other people’s work and pretend it’s yours. I feel sorry for you and your pathetic self, but I am going to keep getting them taken down. :) how about spending some time practicing your own writing because you can’t get any joy from taking praise for something that you didn’t even write 


@ itz_kita  eu vou voltar  


@ MillenniumFoxy  yw :)


Hi there , I am you follower and actually I wanna ask that have you completed midnight coffee or not , not trying to be rude 
          But I wanna ask that when you will or it is my phone mistake that it is not showing more chapters 
          I honestly love your stories 
          Thank u


@MillenniumFoxy ok thank you so much for telling me and clearing my doubts 


@Joongdunklover I haven't yet! my uploads have been super slow my apologies, but it's not your phone, it's me not posting anymore yet. Still writing it though :3