
          	I renamed my collection of poems "Musify" to better reflect the inspirational process.
          	Today I published my 11th short poem (5 in French, 6 in English), "The Witch Yields".
          	Do you know who is this witch? If you see her, tell her she's weak and so are her poems. You don't agree? Then any comment is very welcome ^.^
          	Thanks for reading! ~ Ety


          I renamed my collection of poems "Musify" to better reflect the inspirational process.
          Today I published my 11th short poem (5 in French, 6 in English), "The Witch Yields".
          Do you know who is this witch? If you see her, tell her she's weak and so are her poems. You don't agree? Then any comment is very welcome ^.^
          Thanks for reading! ~ Ety