
Happy New Year!


Hi ! Hope you are doing amazing ❤️ I need you to release Royal Flush (book 2)  Your writing is so captivating. I read Four suits in a week, every chapter makes you want more.


Aww, thank you very much, this made my day ❤️ I will try to release the second book sometime within the next month or so. I just haven’t had much time to work on it unfortunately.


Assalamualaikum sis! I hope you've been doing well!! And today I saw Hiro and Miyuki in my dream. The story was so similar  It was probably because the previous day, I read the chapter of Humanity club where Hiro and Miyuki share their official kiss  And I have read the extra chapter of Wannabe and Miyuki. Tell me. WHY WAS IT SO ADORABLE?!?! And Kazuya liked Miyuki...as a woman  MY HEART WAS AAAHH...
          Though I am a bit too late but Eid Mubarak ❤️


@Mishchan_ It's funny you say that because when I initially started the story, I planned for Miyuki to end up with Kazuya... but then towards the end of the book I completely changed my mind because I realized how much better Hiro and Miyuki were XD So I don't think you need to feel TOO guilty. I definitely imagined the same thing at some point loool.
            Omgg awww! Thank you so much!! This really means a lot (*^ω^*)❤️


@Mistyped_ I LOVE YOU WAY MORE..! To be honest, I never thought that Kazuya liked Miyuki. He concealed his feelings damn well (though you're the one who did it) I felt so guilty yesterday because I imagined Kazuya and Miyuki dating when they are more older  (SO SORRY TO HIRO) 
            And humanity club is the first ever story in wattpad which made me cry because of how beautiful it was written. I will never stop talking about it to my friends and family. YES. I told my father the story. He said, "that sounds like something you would like" I even recommended it to my home tutor!!


Walaikumassalam!! I’m very late too but Eid Mubarak! ❤️
            Hahah Hiro and Miyuki have the cutest scenes for sure :’) and Kazuya having feelings for Miyuki is just so bittersweet. That extra gives a whole new perspective into his character and just the thought is adorable ;v; Thank you for always showing The Humanity Club support all these years! Your love for the world and characters never fails to bring a smile to my face. I love you!!


Hi Misty! I just wanted to drop by and say you are literally such an amazing author! I absolutely adore your writing style. It's so professional. Also, the way how the plot is organized in your novels, shows how much a of a great writer you are. I truly admire you as an author. I love love love your stories! Your hooks had been in my reading lists, then I finally read your work when you began Project cupid in late 2022. Ever since then. I've been addicted to your work. I just spent all night reading Stumbling Over Love for like, the 4th time. It's truly such a great book. It deserves millions of views. I love the way how you write your characters and make them clearly express themselves. Your books make me oddly emotional. I've gotten attached to so many characters and it's all because of your writing skills. I adore your works and look forward to your new updates and works in the future. I hope one day I'll become as great as a writer as you are. Until then I'll continue fangirling over your dreamy characters like Satoru/Ryu (yes I may have fallen in love with him). Keep it up author! I'm such a huge fan! 


@Mistyped_ You're welcome Misty! There aren't enough words to express how beautiful your writing is. I'm so happy to support your writing.
            You can take all the time you need before updating. I'm sure with just enough time you'll come back with amazing updates and works! Hope you have a wonderful day! Lot's of love (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


This message is making ME emotional omg I’m gonna cry. Thank you very much Adivonna! I’m so, so touched that my works can impact you in that way. And I can’t believe that you’d stay up all night rereading Stumbling Over Love!! 4 times you said?? What?? That’s so, so sweet, omg, thank you. (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Aww and thank you for finding Ryu dreamy. I tend to see people say that they fangirl over Aki so I am happy Ryu is equally well loved lool. Anyway I wish I could like frame this message and keep it forever. Your support means everything to me. I’m so happy I started writing ;v;
            I know I haven’t been the best at updating recently, but I’m definitely going to try my best to fix that. Hopefully I’ll be able to post new stories soon too! (o^^o) ♡ 


          js wondering if project cupid is on hold? hope your doing okay!! <3


@MooneLight_EEE Very true ;-; I’ll make sure to take breaks in between. Thank you so much! I appreciate this a lot! ❤️


Hey Misty, even though uni is important and all, remember to take a break, take some time for yourself and rest a bit to recharge your mind! If not, it might lead to a burnout, which is a huge blow to creativity, motivation and everything else!


Hiii! I am okay, thank you! I hope you are doing well too! ❤️
            It being on hold is probably accurate, sad as it is ;v; I just have a lot of things going on and have been super busy with university that I barely have the time or motivation to work on any of my stories. I do miss writing but nothing I’ve written these last few months is anything I’m happy with, either. It’s like a mixture of writer’s block and exhaustion. I feel really bad for taking so long to update, and I wish I could say I’ll be releasing a new chapter soon, but I have no clue when I will be able to, I’m sorry :’(


Hello! New follower here. I’m a huge fan of The Humanity Club and the characters in it. I’m going through some horrible writer’s block right abt now bc all the ideas I have for my stories don’t happen until later on. It’s been like this for about 1 or 2 months now. Do you have any advice for writer’s block? I’m not really an experienced writer.


Thank you! I’ll be sure to think of this whenever I’m stuck with writing.


Aww, thank you so much for reading The Humanity Club!! ❤️ Honestly, writer’s block will affect you regardless if you’re an experienced writer or not. I get it all the time :’)
            I think I’ve experienced what you mean, where all your exciting ideas are supposed to happen later on but you have nothing to fill in the blanks, which just leaves you stuck. Usually if that happens to me, I find it’s because I don’t really understand my characters or plot well, or because I find the current scene/chapter I’m writing boring.  Most of the time, I’ll just force myself to write anyway even if I’m not feeling it. Other times though I’ll just scrap the chapter I’m working on and open up a blank document and brainstorm what is/isn’t working for me, figure out why it isn’t, and come up with new ideas I find more interesting/exciting. There’s also been times where I just skipped straight to writing the scenes I was most excited about and went back to fill in the blanks afterwards (because technically you don’t have to write in chronological order) XD
            It can also help to talk to somebody else about your ideas and you can figure it out together. There’s been many times I’ve confided in my friends and their suggestions got me motivated to write again.
            Other than that, some other things that get me through writer’s block: reading books in the same genre that I’m writing in, listening to music, watching shows, working on different stories. 
            Writer’s block is complicated tbh and I’m not sure if my advice is even helpful but yeah, these are just things I do ;v; ❤️ 


@Mistyped may I ask how you come up with such great ideas?
          Honestly it’s to good for my eyes! Have you considered self publishing?


Aww, thank you!! I get most of my ideas from various shows/animes, books, or even artworks. Or sometimes I’ll see writing prompts and then feel inspired to write a story about it. I definitely have considered self-publishing but I’m just so busy with university and life. Once I graduate and have more free time, I might try it out and see how it goes ^^❤️


Within a lie I still haven't finished reading that one yet


That story is one of my oldest I didn’t realize people still wanted to read it xD I have no plans on republishing it at the moment but if you’re interested, I can send you a link to the story on Google docs. Just let me know if you would like it and I’ll DM the link to you ( ´∀`)  