
Good morning! I’m in the middle of working on chapter four of the four beat waltz, I think we’ll finish night embers when we’re done with that- Saline 


Hey Otis! I don't know if you're okay with me calling you that, but I just read ch. 3 of The 4 Beatz Waltz. I really enjoyed the dynamic and exploration with the scars without spoiling too much, really well done and worth my vote.


Thanks! I’ll read your next chapter as soon as !


Tonight’s announcement , we are a very pro everything profile (excluding things like pedophilia (including the DDLG kink and variants) zoophilia. That sort.) so if you’re homophobic, transphobic so on, leave. Thank you :)


Last announcement of the morning. This is about me as an alter. I’m about early twenties , I’m only really here to protect the system for harm so don’t expect  too much from me in terms of empathy (not saying I do not have any, I just struggle with it) I’m masculine aligned and use He/They. I’m not queer however.
          That’s it, that’s all I wanted to say 


In addition to my previous announcement. Maybe I’ll claim the upcoming sims fic as mine? I mean I’ve  been the one working on it for the last little bit. It’s a Morgyn Ember x Oc fic because of course dev did 


@MonHyp57 I have no clue what you said in the end- but I could get that— (*happy enby noises*)


@fxntasiiis Yeah. There was speculation for a *while* when ROM came out due to the whole masculine frame-feminine clothing issue. Some thought he was a trans man. He’s not fit scars sit  the new update though 


@MonHyp57 you learn something new every day-


!! major announcement , please read !!
          (Is that how he gets your attention?)
          I dunno how many of you read our announcements. Which , fair. Otis doesn’t say much of substance on here , does he? 
          Little life update for you. We are going through a difficult patch, one I don’t particularly want him (him being Otis, formally Devon, our host) to remember. Me and other system members will be fronting more frequently as a result. 
          How this will effect our Wattpad ? I’m not sure. I don’t know what he’s been writing so I may attempt it myself   , I might leave it to someone else. So you may get the same infrequent uploads. No more uploads for a bit. It honestly depends. 
          Our system itself is going through a weird discovery period anyway. Surprised to find we only have 3 “actual alters” - most others are part of the seconds subsystem. Or whatever I’m not even sure myself how it works 
          Now that last paragraph wasn’t me admitting to faking it. I just know that Andrew and Amos and whatever are “real” just not in the sense I, the third and Otis are real. 
          If you have questions please don’t be afraid to ask 
          Thank you 
          - the first, max, or whatever nickname you come up with