
Oh well. It is what it is


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When your trying to start an art IG and art blog on Tumblr but both of your usernames are different on both of them and you're too fucking lazy to change or decide a final username to go by 


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My ex best friend is dating my ex, who is also an ex best friend. Funny enough, my new ex best friend dated me too! I dont even know if I deserve to be angry rn but that cunt hurt me and now shes dating him. And she dated my other friend.


@MorbidDove Yeah, it was rough last night, ngl. I never expected him to go for her. But hey, guess us three are just passing her around lol


@MorbidDove God. This is so twisted. I do feel bad for you even tho I never really had great friends and didn't date anyone yet 


What purpose does fuckin buying all toilet paper serve? What are you going to do, wrap yourself up like a mummy and say "BEGONE THOT" to the virus?


@MorbidDove same, my mother can't by any either. We have enough to last us a few weeks though.


@MorbidDove that's the same thing I and my family thought when we needed toilet paper and couldn't buy any


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So two nights ago, I had a dream, or nightmare if you want to look at it that way. 
          I was in a school, I can't tell you if it was active or not because I left three classes that were going on during this, but the rest of the school was empty. Like, abandoned. It was just those three classes. 
          And in this abandoned school, I ran into the Plague Doctor. Yes, the scp. And I ran away because fuck that noise. One Plague Doctor turned into two, then three then fucking five. Everywhere I ran. Every corner i turned. THERE WAS JUST PLAGUE DOCTORS EVERWHERE. They never chased me and I wasn't even scared really, I was laughing. Every fucking stairwell, classroom, end of hallway, there was that fuckin SCP.