
New chapter published‼️ go read guys






@Nahir_898  florida kinda sucked


@Rileyf4f I didn't see your reply until two months after LMAO but never >:D
            also how's Florida :0


hi! i haven't been updating because i either forgot or was too busy (ㆆ_ㆆ), but anyways i'll summarize these past few days i suppose. i've really been up to nothing to be honest. i guess i'm just relaxing before school starts. i've checked my schedule a few times to make sure nothing has changed, and i must say that i'm happy with some of my classes. i honestly can't wait to do creative writing, culinary, and finally learn some things in personal finance, because i feel like i really need to learn those types of things since i'm in my second year of high school and time is just going by really fast. i don't know the actual schedule as in what periods i have to go to in a day but i guess i'll figure it out this thursday. me and my friends already discussed that they're going to bring me to my period 8 chem class because there are 3 people that i really don't like that are in that class, so that works out i guess. i'm trying to see if one of my other friends could walk with me and my other friend that i always walk home together with. i've started to rewrite some of my fanfics because i didn't like how they were going. some of them have major changes, and other minor. now what else can i update you on? OH i'm getting my oikawa plush this week fr since my dad gets paid. i'm thinking of buying more clothes. i also have a wedding to go to this saturday, should be interesting. i'm going to be wearing a skinny black dress ( ≖.≖) which i'm kind of insecure abt wearing, but i'll be putting on a button cardigan (like the one i showed you) over it! so it should all be fine. and for my shoes i'll be wearing my all black vans because.. i have nothing else to wear with it lol. this morning i woke up pretty early and i was proud of myself (this was the first time i've woken up this early this entire summer) and it wasn't too bad. i actually liked it because it was more peaceful than anything. and i was also able to see the sky transition from a very faint sunlit sky to a full on-


@ilovemizuki Oh gosh a lot just happened lmao. But that sounds so calming I'm glad good things are happening to you now! I agree with everything you just said ಥ‿ಥ also good luck in school, make use of your time before school starts, i made that mistake (´;︵;`) also, thanks for remembering my birthday ヾ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ♪


sunlit one. i made my dad his lunch this morning and he called my mom to let me know that he liked it, which made me sort of happy. for the whole morning, i watched love chunibyo and other delusions (or something along the line, i can't remember off the top of my head) then at around 9 i took a nap until 10 ( ≖.≖) i woke up from the nap and my mom said that she was going to go take my brothers for their haircuts and my sister wanted to tag along too, so i had the whole house to myself (well me and luna, my dog) and then i just played obey me for majority of the time, since well, i have no life lol. then i cleaned up the kitchen and such so my mom wouldn't get mad that i didn't do anything. and may i say, i did a really good job cleaning the kitchen. it looked so nice after i did so. i started listening to mitski a little more and my question is who the hell hurt her, because you can just hear the pain in her voice and lyrics. now that reminds me that i still have to listen to donda and more kanye so i could talk about it to my friend that loves him. ooh for dinner tonight, i had one of my favorite dishes, chicken alfredo pasta ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ and you best believe i ate that up lol. i think that's pretty much it for my update, since i wrote a lot and i'd hate for you to read a lot more. anyways, i hope things are going well for you, especially school! and your birthday is coming up! look forward to that! <3