
Hello everyone! The next chapter of 'Siren' will be posted soon, and eventually a third part of the story as well. I have been very busy with school and other things in my life so therefore I haven't been able to post as frequently as I first had hoped but now I will spend more time editing the stories I've written here! Hope you'll have a good day!
          	Sending love, Hillewi.


Hello everyone! The next chapter of 'Siren' will be posted soon, and eventually a third part of the story as well. I have been very busy with school and other things in my life so therefore I haven't been able to post as frequently as I first had hoped but now I will spend more time editing the stories I've written here! Hope you'll have a good day!
          Sending love, Hillewi.


Hey, so I just finished Denying, and I think I fell in love just a tiny little bit, and I wanna say that that book had my attention from start to finish and I could not put it down.
          But, I was also wondering, if you are going to publish the sequel any time soon? Because I really CANNOT wait to read what other things Jibade will do. Like seriously, I cannot.


Sure, take your time darling, and it happens, the author loses their motivation and just leaves it like that, and that’s okay too. 
            Though I can’t say I’m not glad that you plan on publishing the second part even if it’s in a few months. Can’t wait. 


Hi! Once again I’m very glad you enjoyed reading it. The fic is not perfect, still it’s a work I’m rather proud of. To be honest with you, I have some material for a sequel but no finished work to publish. I’m thinking about writing a second part, because I know it’s truly frustrated when you read a fic you love and it suddenly ends. 
            I will start on a second part soon, but it will takes a few months to finish. 
            Sending love, Hilewi