
Happy New Year!!  Hope 2018 was a great one and that 2019 will bring great happiness and health to all 


Hey all, 
          So first, Merry (late) Christmas for those who celebrate, and if you don’t, well Happy holidays. Second, I’ve posted a new book called “Fallen for the Devil” the first chapter is officially up. I really hope you guys check it out and enjoy the book, I’m actually really excited for that book. And it’s now has a new record for my account, the longest pages - with 21 pages. So anyways, if you could check it out, I would really appreciate it, thanks! Have a great day/night. ~NightStorm_Artist 


Happy thanks giving all! And for those who are keeping up with my updating... I’m still working on the story! I’m going through and resetting up things so it looks more professional. And also, I will be revising previous chapters to make them longer. In other news, I’m currently working on another story. So be on the lookout for that :) anyways, happy holidays! Hope you all are doing well.


Hey guys! I’m back after like a year of being gone. Just to let you all know, I’ve updated my current book “Rejected by my mate” so if you haven’t already, go take a look. I hope you enjoy it. I will begin the next chapter soon :) thank you all for being patient.


Hello to all my followers! Thanks for reading my stories and leaning votes & comments, I hope you continue to do so! I'm sorry for not posting anything recently, been on a VERY huge Writers Block, but I hope to start updating more! I'm thinking of trying to get a schedule for posting new stories, instead of 1 or 2 every 2 days or so. How are you guys doing? Which books should I try to update, any preference? Anything else you wanna ask or mention? Thanks guys, have a great day/night! :D ~Shadow(or Storm)