
Hey, folks, 
          	Hope this message finds you all in good health and safety. Just wanted to drop here and say that if you're coming out to the protests tomorrow, take good care of yourselves and stay safe. Grab water and snacks before leaving just in case and be kind to yourself and others around you. 
          	To those who can't make it or live in places with no protests, I hope that you are signing online petitions and/or getting in contact with your representatives to demand a ceasefire. 
          	Remember; If you see any kind of anti-Semitic language or slogans being used and if you feel secure enough to do so, try and calmly stop it because that is never okay. 
          	I understand this is something most of us never even imagined witnessing in our lifetimes and it makes most of us feel helpless. But please remain strong, and steadfast, and keep your loved ones and humanity close to your gentle hearts. I have hope that we will get through this. 
          	Sending you all love and strength. 
          	P.S. I'm sorry that this is my first message to you folks in months and I wish I could tell you about my mental health but that is not important right now. Just know that I'm thankful for all the kind messages you have sent my way, they're all very much appreciated. 


@Pheonix_1995 you have no idea how much this means to us. Thank you for using your platform and voice 


@Pheonix_1995 happy hear from you.. take care of yourself we all will be waiting for you and we are sending our all love and prayers  to them


@Pheonix_1995 ahhh im so so sooo glad to hear from you , and your mental health IS important !!!  I  hope you are doing better and I wish you all the best !


You gave up on writing and us author? Huhuh


Oh is ittt sorry . I didnt know. Thanks for educating 


@xxneednottoknowxx hey bro not fair we all know they're struggling with mental health and stuff. let's be glad she decided to write again at all iykwim


Please update voiceless lover, its been so long  


@CrazySmartyOne the last time Nix uploaded it they talked about how someone stole her book and how much it hurt her so I get it if they're uncomfy putting it back up tbh


@CrazySmartyOne I miss that book too much esp Renee