
Hi... And Assalamualaikum sorry lama tak update almost sebulan walaupun saya tahu cerita ini kurang mendapat sambutan.. Tulis pun untuk mengisi masa lapang heheh
          	itu jerr gudluck for me and batch07 yg nak spm tahun ini!
          	I already published Chapter 12 sorry kalau macam dull skit...heheh 


Hi... And Assalamualaikum sorry lama tak update almost sebulan walaupun saya tahu cerita ini kurang mendapat sambutan.. Tulis pun untuk mengisi masa lapang heheh
          itu jerr gudluck for me and batch07 yg nak spm tahun ini!
          I already published Chapter 12 sorry kalau macam dull skit...heheh 


I'm sorry minggu ini sampai minggu dpn mmg xda update poisonous lust sbb tgh exam yer anak".. nk fokus luuu.. don't worry rangka dh ada ..cuma nak fikir ayat tue jerrrrr heh.. 
          Sorry again.. (⁠┛⁠ಸ⁠_⁠ಸ⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


There's story i want to share with you that goes around in my head all the day...
          This girl love this guys almost 7 years then she find out that the guys already has a partner then she made decision to confess...
          "Honestly, I'm jealous to see you with that girl"
          "You deserve someone better than me"
          "So you're not better? Does that mean the girl you're with doesn't get a better man? Then she has to retreat too, right?"
          The man was at a loss to answer...
          "So please don't say I deserve someone better than you.."