
I want to write, but I have no idea what to write lol


OMG! My friend woke me up way too early yesterday morning to tell me that there's a new Percy Jackson booking coming out in September of next year!! We are freaking out and can't wait to read it!! So, I'm back to keep writing after taking a break to start school and get a job! I have a long weekend this week, so get ready for some new short stories and other things in the next few days!! I can't wait!


@Queen_Alex05 That sounds really cool!


@rainwings_rule Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods. Percy wants to go to college in New Rome, but he needs recommendation letters from the Gods. They won't give him the letters until he does some task/quest for him, so he gets Annabeth and Grover to help him. It's set after Boo and before the trials of Apollo.


I'm back!!! Lol, okay, so, here's what's up. I just wanted to let you all know that I finally got a laptop and I'm not saying that I'm going to keep writing, but I do have a few story ideas I want to work on and I'm glad that I will be able to write on a laptop and not a phone lol


Ahhhh! My friend and I started freaking out in class when we saw the cast announcement for Percy for the show!!! I can't wait for the rest of the cast announcement!! 


@Queen_Alex05 Thank you. I will try to find it


@10Readergirl10 They're making a Percy Jackson TV show and Rick's helping with it. I don't know when the first episode is coming out, but I think it will start sometime next year


@Queen_Alex05 what show? Ugh the problems of living in a boring land…


Hey, I just read back in time. (Great book) Can you please consider making a extra chapter for that ring?


It was amazhang!


@10Readergirl10 Just posted it! Hope you like it!


Guys, I just randomly got really in the mood to write, like I don't think I've written in almost a year or something, but I just really want to write. So, I guess get ready for a bunch of random sort stories and stuff. 
          - Alex


I got tagged :(
          1. Favourite color
          2. If you could travel anywhere, where?
          3. Favorite weird word?
          4. Cats or Dogs?
          5. Biggest pet peeve?
          6. fav thing to do in your free time?
          7. If you could be any animal, which one and why?
          8. One weird fact about yourself
          9. Tag 15 others


          Sorry I haven't posted in forever (again). School is almost done, so I'm trying to finish everything and I have a lot of test I have to take and things like that. I will be updating more this summer, I'm also getting a laptop this summer! No more writing on my phone!! I don't know when I'm going to get it, but without school I will have more free time to write!
          Thank you all for putting up with my horrible ability to update, 