
I don't normally make announcements or anything, but this is needed. Due to a friend of mine asking about shipping with Xisuma, I plan on not writing anymore of Summy ships.
          	That being said, Tip the Scales will actually get rewritten to no longer include Grisuma. Same with some unknown fics only a few others know (:


Hi its me Aiden/Ezlere from the abode :D


@Rainbow8Drops || same tbh I rarely check my wattpad but hiiii 


@technxbIade hiii :D I dont check wattpad often so sorry this is late ^^'


I don't normally make announcements or anything, but this is needed. Due to a friend of mine asking about shipping with Xisuma, I plan on not writing anymore of Summy ships.
          That being said, Tip the Scales will actually get rewritten to no longer include Grisuma. Same with some unknown fics only a few others know (:


You know, I get random inspiration to write sometimes and it's half the time what I'm not supposed to write.
          Like, I have requests I need to do, but I don't want to do them, I wanna continue the most random things that haven't even been post.
          Honestly, at this point I'm gonna write a whole book without posting it and post it after it's finished basically 
          Is this a normal thing?