
Hi hi hi
          	I'm back!!! 
          	I'm gonna start writing immediately. Sorry for the wait guys


@Ravenwynterbloom oh no don’t worry. Good luck with your exams✨✨✨


@itzdreamer4 hey, I'm kind of busy ...again. I have 12hr continuous classes six days and tests every day. College entrance preps you see... I try my best but... it's not enough to cough up a chapter. I'm sorry 


When will u update Harley’s story?


Hi hi hi
          I'm back!!! 
          I'm gonna start writing immediately. Sorry for the wait guys


@Ravenwynterbloom oh no don’t worry. Good luck with your exams✨✨✨


@itzdreamer4 hey, I'm kind of busy ...again. I have 12hr continuous classes six days and tests every day. College entrance preps you see... I try my best but... it's not enough to cough up a chapter. I'm sorry 


When will u update Harley’s story?


Hi guys
          Im sorry for not replying  not updating my story,etc
          I swear to god that ill be  back ,though not soo
          You may remember that i had mentioned before that i would go offline in nov or so bc of my coming final exam (literally the last one in my school life).And now it dec so obv ill be unable to write
          As for why i was offline  so long, i was going through some stuff (i mean i seriously had considered suicide, despite strongly believing that it is a move for cowards. I was that desperate)l 
          But i overcame that stuff (at least partially) 
          I realised that i might implicate innocent people with my death 
          Anyway i cant stay long, im borrowing someones phone to send this. 
          Just know that ill be back and i will defenitely continue my fanfic. If all goes well ill be back by april and then ill update continously to make up . (i wont have to be anywhere for at least a couple of months then,hopefully)


Can’t wait for you to continue Harley’s ff ✨✨✨✨✨


@Ravenwynterbloom Of course, I'm proud of you☺ but like actually, good luck ❤ we will love you no matter what


@Ravenwynterbloom keep going, don't think of suicidal things and just focus on getting through those finals with good marks(or top) and try to minimize stress. if you somehow read this before ur exams, good luck, ily<3


Hi guys, 
          Not dead ,sorry for worrying you all. I just saw your replies today and honestly all the people who gets the chance to know you guys irl must be so lucky. 
          Thanks for caring about me when no one in my life does. 


@Ravenwynterbloom you write really great and you make it fun to read. And it kinda inspired me to start writing . And I wish I did know you so I could be there for you. :)


@zosiakkkkkkk 'I' inspired you ? How? And why? (Unless I know you irl?) I'm confused on so many different levels. 


@Kiruuuuuuu @Inva1idus3r @ghita_yas Thank you guys, it means a lot to know that someone cares 
            (´ ▽`).。o♡


Is it bad that I want to die just so that some people would finally regret treating me the way they do? So that they will cry before the corpse of the girl who died with all her dreams unfilled and wish that they had done something for her at least once? 
          I mean seriously. It's not easy to live when there's no one to live for. I can't live for myself because of the chains of blood that binds me til death. 
          I want to live, but since that doesn't seem very possible, I'll just die I guess. 
          If succeed this time before I lose my will, this will be my last post. 
          I'm sorry to leave my story unfinished 


this message may be offensive
@Ravenwynterbloom Ok what the actual fuck you're not doing anything like that unless you want me to come to you in your afterlife, smack you and pull you back to this life which I agree is boring and sad and bitchy as fuck most of the time and it hurts, it hurts to go through it through the pain and the suffering and all of the comments and taunts that people make and how invalidated they make you feel but you know what emerges out of that suffering a strong ass willed person who is not going to lose at any point of there life and you know why? because they've already gone through the process of suffering. No joy comes without sadness and no success comes without failure. No successful person has gotten to their position in life without working for it, they work hard for it no matter who supports them or who doesn't and we live in an environment where nobody has time for anybody else and humanity is losing itself so if you feel like your alone and there is nobody to be there for, be there for your self. Practice self-love, take some time off of doing work and studying, and go and have fun even if it's alone (eg. eat golgappas). People who actually deserve you will come to your life when it's time for them to come into your life. You can't force fate to rush itself, it won't. So enjoy the time you have alone and if you can cut ties with people that are binding you cause those assholes don't deserve you. Unless you live in Kota and one of those bitches is your teacher then it is probably not the best idea but the rest works. Alr I'll take my leave now, I am aware that you decided not to pull that stunt off but incase you feel like doing that or anything like that please refer to this comment section. ily bye<3


Please don’t… that’s a satisfaction you must NOT give them. I can’t say that  relate to your  pain but i am sure that you are strong enough and have some people by your side that can help you. So please. Please. Do not kill yourself. I’m begging you.


Guess who got first prize for story writing? That's right I got it. 
          It was interschool competition with like 450+schools. Now I'm gonna go to the next level 


@Ravenwynterbloom fcking late but slayy girly


@Ravenwynterbloom We're so proud of you!!!! You're so talented a lot of people could never, but this is a big achievement


@Ravenwynterbloom omgg congratulations!!!! but i mean, with your amazing writing, it's hard to imagine you not winning first first place! also, good luck on the next level!!!!! we know you can do it!!!!!!


I saw my notifs earlier and I just wanna say thank you for the follow! (random story incoming) I was scrolling thru your page and for the longest time I thought I was following you but surprise surprise I was not. (ofc i immediately followed u.) I am following u thru my other accounts but idk now which ones I'm using (I've made sooo many accounts alr, but I keep forgetting my passwords and whatnot ;-;) Anyway, sorry for bothering u with my pointless story. Have a good day!


@Wolfxie16 You aren't bothering me with this. (I also have the problem with passwords, this one account has lasted more because I'm writing) 
            Also thank you for the follow. 
            I originally started following my readers to show my gratitude (?) But now it's a habit, so I'm extremely happy when someone follow me back 