
Hi guys :)  So I'm back, posting chapters of Broken Angel again, if anyone wanted to read, or reread ;)  I've tried editing, but I still feel it might be a little sketchy.  Let me know if you find that I missed something :)  Your support means alot to me.  I may have not realized my dream of publishing this story just yet, But fingers crossed, I will :D  I look forward to hearing from you all.  It's been a while.  
          	Much Love as always


@ArchiSingh21 Hope you still find it as entertaining ❤ thank you for your support xxx


@xXDeathIsMyLoverXx thank you for your vote of support. I was so disappointed that I couldn't publish, but I felt worse for depriving you guys of the story when I couldn't get it done. I hope you enjoy it like u did before xxx Maybe one day Rayne and Angelo will have their story on paper ❤


I’m so excited to be able to reread, I’ve been waiting and keeping an eye out for it to be either published or back on here to relive Angelo and Rayne’s story. I’m so glad it’s back and can’t wait for you to have a published version of it! Angelo and Rayne definitely deserve their story to become even bigger than before! <3<3


Hi guys :)  So I'm back, posting chapters of Broken Angel again, if anyone wanted to read, or reread ;)  I've tried editing, but I still feel it might be a little sketchy.  Let me know if you find that I missed something :)  Your support means alot to me.  I may have not realized my dream of publishing this story just yet, But fingers crossed, I will :D  I look forward to hearing from you all.  It's been a while.  
          Much Love as always


@ArchiSingh21 Hope you still find it as entertaining ❤ thank you for your support xxx


@xXDeathIsMyLoverXx thank you for your vote of support. I was so disappointed that I couldn't publish, but I felt worse for depriving you guys of the story when I couldn't get it done. I hope you enjoy it like u did before xxx Maybe one day Rayne and Angelo will have their story on paper ❤


I’m so excited to be able to reread, I’ve been waiting and keeping an eye out for it to be either published or back on here to relive Angelo and Rayne’s story. I’m so glad it’s back and can’t wait for you to have a published version of it! Angelo and Rayne definitely deserve their story to become even bigger than before! <3<3


Apparently Ill be continuing to leave "I love" comments. Just finished Fire Dragon. Loved the plot and characters 


@vrippin in that case, I'm glad that you found something on here to read, and I'm ecstatic that they were my works!! And you loved them (happy dance) 
            You Rock !!! Happy reading xxx


@vrippin definitely didn't hate either of those two!! They were good, I've read a ton of stories on here.


@vrippin lol, I don't mind. Even if you hated it but were actually too polite to tell me, haha. To each his own, right? I tried my hand at different genres but wasnt so sure how it would pan out. I guess it isn't hard to tell action is what ties them all regardless of bloodlines.  Thanks once again for your support xxx I'm always learning, so feel free to tell me where I err :) 


Hey guys. It's been a rough couple of years lol. I was supposed to have BA published by now, but things fell through and I was really disappointed for a while. But, that's life eh. 
          We don't always get what we want but we should be grateful for what we do have. Who knows, maybe one day I will find the right fit for this book of mine. That just wont be today....
          I wanted to apologize, so I'm here to say my sorries to all of you who have been patiently waiting for a copy of it. Thank you all for support and well wishes. You guys are great. You kept me from falling apart and losing hope. You have always been awesome and I'm grateful to have had you read Broken Angel xxx
          I also have a question....would you like me to put it back on Wattpad for you. Not like I can do anything else with it lol. You might as well have some entertainment.
          Wish you all a healthy and happy 2023.
          Stay safe and Happy reading.
          Much love


@she_osprey Yeah, damn, lol, thats exactly what I said too :p Thank you for replying and for showing your support. I will repost BA again soon :)


@Recklis oh damn Wishing you all the best 
            Also for the question we'd love for you to out it on wattpad again, thanks! 


@Wicked-RosZ thank you so much for your support and kind words ❤ I really needed to see this. You've made my day xxx stay awesome :)


Hey recklis!!! I really enjoy reading your books. Broken angel is my most favorite book till now that I have read on wattpad. But now since you are publishing the book it is no longer available on wattpad. Could you please let me know when it is being published so i can buy a copy to read it cause I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from not reading my favourite book again . Does anyone have any idea when it will be released? Please let me know 


She said this year. I can’t wait. I read it to my niece a few years ago and it’s her favorite. Hoping to get a copy for Christmas for her!