
 #I came up with an idea for a novel #
          	 After the Hogwarts War, and after Harry returns to the Black family home, he finds an litter from Sirius Black telling him that Lily is not his real mother, that his real mother is Minerva McGonagall, that James Potter had one relationship with her, and that Lily's deceased son was replaced by Minerva's son on the day of his birth.
          	 Also, Severus Snape survived the battle and is married to Minerva
          	 What will Harry's life be like with his newfound mother and his stepfather who does not love him?


@RegaaaRega I imagine it everyday it would be chaos! I love it!


@ WeasleyClan  Imagine the amount of exciting and funny situations that will happen


@RegaaaRega spicy family drama! Love it


 #I came up with an idea for a novel #
           After the Hogwarts War, and after Harry returns to the Black family home, he finds an litter from Sirius Black telling him that Lily is not his real mother, that his real mother is Minerva McGonagall, that James Potter had one relationship with her, and that Lily's deceased son was replaced by Minerva's son on the day of his birth.
           Also, Severus Snape survived the battle and is married to Minerva
           What will Harry's life be like with his newfound mother and his stepfather who does not love him?


@RegaaaRega I imagine it everyday it would be chaos! I love it!


@ WeasleyClan  Imagine the amount of exciting and funny situations that will happen


@RegaaaRega spicy family drama! Love it


خطرت لي فكرة رواية 
           ه بعد حرب هوجورتس و بعد أن يعود هارى الي منزل عائلة بلاك يجد جواب من سريوس بلاك يخبره بأن ليلي ليست والدته الحقيقية و أن والدته الحقيقية هي منيرفا مكجونجال و أن جيمس بوتر كان له علاقة بها و أن ابن ليلي المتوفي تبدل بان منيرفا يوم ولادته .
          و أيضا أن سيفيرس سناب نجاء من المعركة و انه متزوج كن منيرفا. 
          كيف ستكون حياة هارى مع والدته المكتشفة حديثا و زوج امه الذى لا يحبه .     


@ RegaaaRega  نصيحا اكتبيها سريع سريع متأكده ان في كثير ناس بيقرأوها و انا بكون اول وحده (つ≧▽≦)つ 


@ RegaaaRega  احا! القصا مجنونه و ما تخطر ببال احد (✷‿✷)! 


سنة مصرية سعيدة 6265 | يوم 11 سبتمبر من كل عام يوافق بداية السنة المصرية. الأول من شهر توت.  ويعتبر التقويم المصري القديم من أوائل التقويمات في التاريخ، وكان يعتمد على الدورة الشمسية التي تبلغ 365 يومًا في السنة.
          Happy Egyptian New Year 6262 | Today, 11 September 2023, marks the beginning of the Egyptian year 6265. The ancient Egyptian calender is one of the first calendars known to mankind and was based on the solar cycle of 365 days per year.