
Hey do you mind if I make a one shot book that takes place between the 2nd and 3rd book of your secret seven series


@RileyJones622 cool, honestly didnt expect you to say yes


@Survivor1010  You can write it if you like


I've been up all ni8 reading Jake punishment I'm literally devastated.
          Assume I'm on my knees bowing my head like Jake and begging U to give Jake a happy ending plz plz plzzzzz.
          I'm really crying rn. I can't cope up wid daily work coz of ur injustice 4 Jake. #Justice4Jake


Or plz give a alternate ending whichs fair for Jake he deserves hapiness...
            I'm goin crazy bout it can't stop crying


Bro I started and finished reading Jake's punishment yesterday it's great it gave me motivation no words can describe of how great it is I think I'll start reading it again probably these days. At first when I saw 56 chapters I was like "tf I probably won't finish this in ages" but here I am starting and ending the book same day. I feel so open minded. Plus I like how the story didn't have a happy ending I mean not every story has a happy ending right? Amazing just amazing.


@Lanna1038 Thank you so much, i am really happy and glad that you enjoyed it and that you are even reading it again already. i thought a happy ending would be a bit cliche and predictable.    
            Alex is cool, all stories need a bad boy i think. They are always good fun and Danny became a goodie after starting as a baddie so Alex needed to stay bad as a good balance.


@Lanna1038 I forgot to say but honestly Alex was my favorite character in the story


Hey just finished reading Jake's punishment and I just wanted to say it was amazing... I was a bit sceptical at first but in the end I loved it...not everyone has a happy ending but that's ok, we just need to accept it and move on. Hate gets us nowhere and it might be cheesy or seem fake but this book gave me a new outlook on everything. ps: idk but if you ever need an editor, or some ideas on the expansion of a story...literally anything I'm here to help 


@sqeaky19 Thank you very much i am glad you enjoyed it. I didn't want there to be a happy ending like the ones you always see in Disney or Hollywood movies because most of the time life doesn't work out happy like that. I liked the idea that Jake would still be punished and still face prison, but at the end he is now in a legal prison and he comes to terms with it and finds some peace with it. 
            Thanks for the offer, i haven't been writing for a while, i have a few ideas for stories but don't feel particularly motivated to write anything right now.


Do you just update prisoner whenever or is it kind of a schedule you follow? Just wondering and I totally understand if it’s just whenever. 


@RileyJones622 I guess I gave myself away 
            I am a fan to see how things will go or end. Your plot line has a lot of ends and such things are always interesting in your book. 


@joker771 Thank you very much, what a nice thing to say. I am guessing you must be a Prisoner fan too then?


Yup, I like your style of writing and the emotions of characters coming to live. Just keep doing what your doing. I can’t force you to write but I hope you can get inspired or so to write soon or even a new book. I’m waiting to see how jakes life will turn out from his punishment 