
Hellow two questions here
          1.Do You Play Fire Emblem Three Houses?
          2.Do You love and write "friend to lover" romance
          By the way can I follow you haha
          Today you get a new follower :D


            1. I have long been a fan of FE since before it was popular here, so I have played pretty much every single one of them save for Engage because I do not have the money to buy it atm.
            I did start a Fire Emblem Three Houses fic that I wanted to make like an audience participation work.  Nobody had an interest in it, so I stopped bothering with it.  I will likely write more for FE at some point.
            2. Yes, my Sonic the Hedgehog story uses friends to lovers as a significant theme from two different ends.  One childhood best friend, and another a sentient artificial intelligence friend.  
            Always nice to have someone who likes to read what I write.  You can find more of my writing on Ao3 and FF net if it pleases you as well.
            - Rin


Would you ever do another Kellco based story? I feel you have a lot of versatility as a writer 


@GunzCCCP I might.  I am also pretty much willing to write anything that fancies me, so I have infinite versatility.
            As of now, though, I have been using Ao3 to write more adult-oriented (explicit) works and to write my epic Sonic novel thingy which is almost 400k words.  After that, I do not know what I would write, but I have ideas.
            Thanks for enjoying the work and enjoying yourself.
            - Rin


I loved that book omg


@IsabellaM016 Yes, you will do fine I am sure.  Things are slow usually, but eventually, you find the people that want to support you.
            I am happy you couldn't put it down, I get told that a lot with this, aside from the fact it made a lot of people cry it seems.  I am happy you all enjoyed yourself, makes it all worth it.


And with the votes thing? Me too. I just wrote my first book a few months ago and so far it only has 1.65K likes which is great and all but I really hope it gets more attention. And more votes too of course


No problem!! I’m glad it didn’t end up with cliche Starco. This is actually the first Kellco book I have actually seen on Wattpad, and it was so good. The way you portrayed Marco’s depression was absolutely fantastic. The details, the adjectives it was just a amazing book I couldn’t stop reading. 


For what the heart wants can you please do starco for ending. It would really make me happy


@Bigboi1937419284 I just write blindly until it ends.  I am interested only in votes so more people read my work.  The more votes the more I am open to audience input.


@Rinpoo I just read the most recent chapter. Can you pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee do starco for the end of the book and not kellco or tomstar please?


@Bigboi1937419284 Thank you for your interest in the story.  I make no concessions on my art due to requests, and it will simply end how it ends in whatever form that takes.  I appreciate every reader, and I do use this feedback to fuel future decisions in my writing.
            - Rin