
Hi, guys! Hope all of you are doing well! 
          	I'm so sorry for disappearing once again... It's crazy how life sometimes plays tricks on you and all of a sudden everything's changed. 
          	I just published 2 chapters  of THE DIRTY ANGELS MC II. Hope you guys enjoy it. I promise I'll try to be more consistent with it from now on. 
          	There will probably be another chapter out by the end of the day and (spoiler alert) guaranteed will turn the story around 180º degrees. Don't miss it! 
          	Once again, I wanna thank you guys for all the support! Your comments and votes really make this an amazing experience! 
          	Thank you, and of course, stay tuned!


Hi, guys! Hope all of you are doing well! 
          I'm so sorry for disappearing once again... It's crazy how life sometimes plays tricks on you and all of a sudden everything's changed. 
          I just published 2 chapters  of THE DIRTY ANGELS MC II. Hope you guys enjoy it. I promise I'll try to be more consistent with it from now on. 
          There will probably be another chapter out by the end of the day and (spoiler alert) guaranteed will turn the story around 180º degrees. Don't miss it! 
          Once again, I wanna thank you guys for all the support! Your comments and votes really make this an amazing experience! 
          Thank you, and of course, stay tuned!


It's done. It's out there you guys! The sequel is finally out for you! I can't believe... I truly hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to give me some feedback. It's definitely a game changer! 
          Once again, thank you and stay tuned!


Hey guys!! 15min out for the sequel premiere. Hope you all are ready for this, at the edge of your seats, 'cause I sure as hell ain't!
           I've launched a couple of books, yet for some reason I have never been as nervous... Except when I published Dirty Angels I. I really feel like I have given everything to this series and to have you guys not enjoying it, not loving it would absolutely rock my boat  Yet every time I talk about it I feel like I'm setting expectations even higher... God, this is nerve-wracking! 
          Stay tuned!


Ever since Covid hit I feel like I can't write, like nothing's good enough. So I'm stuck in this cycle, start writing, finish a chapter, delete everything, and repeat. I guess the stress and the uncertainty are in a way getting to me. On my daily life, I don't feel it. I'm so busy all the time, I don't have time to feel but the moment I sit down and go through the process I just... I can't. And then I wonder if I've lost the ability to write, and think of you guys (I promised you a sequel) and it's just... Overwhelming. 
          Anyway... I had the thought in the back of my mind for a while and I wasn't sure whether I should be honest or make up an excuse. I decided to go with honesty and this is the naked truth. At the moment, I'm not sure there will be a sequel at all and for that, I am so sorry. 
          I wanted you all to know I'm still working on it. I haven't given up.. It's just not looking too bright right now. 
          Thank you for all your love and support. Never figured it would go this far. So once again, I am sorry and incredibly grateful for you guys. 
          Stay safe out there.


And the day finally arrived.
           I finally finished Army Strong II-Through Hell and Back
          I just finished writing the final chapter and let me tell you... I am so proud of the work I was able to to put out here for you guys. I dedicated a lot of time to this book and I can only hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I did. 
          The final chapter will be released tomorrow. Let me know what you think of it. 
          Stay tunned


What's up guys?! It's been a while... I always seem to start these little messages the same way. 
          Anyway, it's 2021! I got a whole bunch of objectives for this year, even considering covid. 
          2020 was HARD! Yet I feel like it was the wake up call I needed. Sometimes we get so comfortable in our own little lives that we forget everything is temporary, including our time here on this Earth. It's easy to forget every day, our clock is running out. 2020 made me realize tomorrow is not guaranteed. Life's too short to waste away. 
          So one of my many goals for 2021 is to spend more time doing what I love and that of course includes writing, but also spending more time with my family, my daughter and everyone I truly CHERISH. Hopefully we will beat Covid this year and we'll all be able to finally hug the ones we love. 
          On another note, some of you will realize I took down Dirty Angels Mc II. I had some chapters posted, yet I wasn't happy with the outcome of the story. It just wasn't playing out the way I first imagined it. But fear not! There will be a sequel. Just not right now. You guys liked the first book soo much I find it unfair to put out there a sequel that is not on the same level. 
          At the moment, I am working on Army Strong II. It's all finally falling into place and I am very proud of all the work I put into it. I always get so connected to the stories that I always feel I missed something, but not on this one. I am truly satisfied with it so far and it's close to an end. 
          Hope you guys are all staying safe out there. And if you've lost someone to COVID, I am truly sorry you had to go through this. I know it all feels very heavy and dark right now, but just know there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And if you need to vent, feel free to message me. My inbox is always open. 
          STAY STRONG! We will beat Covid. Everything's gonna be alright. The sun will shine again. 
          Sending you all a massive virtual hug.
          Stay tunned!


          Man, I am so excited! I can finally go back to writing... And oh lord, how I missed it! It's been such a long time... But I got a lot inside waiting to come out! Stay tunned, love! Got a lot of updates coming your way.
          Hope everyone is staying safe out there. Lots of love & let's get the party started!


Hey there!! Hope y'all are doing alright! The world is a little bit crazy right now but I hope you all are staying safe out there. 
          It's been a while ever since I've updated the story I was working on. Sorry for keeping you guys in the dark for so long. Honestly, I just haven't had the time.... And also my computer has decided not to cooperate with me and it won't turn on no matter what. 
          Raising a child ain't easy. Whoever says it is, never actually put in the effort to actually raise a child. It's very time consuming! But also the best way to spend your time. Really... Children are not only our children, they are the future of our society. God knows there's so much that's wrong out there... Too much hate, too little love... But children.... no, children are pure. Children are a blank slate and what you teach them is what they'll know. What you show them is what they'll do. Who you are is a big part of what they'll become. 
          No one is born hating. Hate is taught. Hate is learnt. 
          Now, I am nowhere near a perfect or super mom, but I try. I do the best I can to teach my child love, empathy, respect, tolerance, patience, with others and herself. It ain't easy. It takes a lot of explaining, a lot of patience and a whole lot of repeating things over and over and over just to be totally ignored in the end.
          You gotta be the change you wanna see in the world right? In order to raise my kid right, I also need to work on  myself a little bit every night so the next day I can SHOW (not tell) & teach my child all the right things. 
          Respect is the way. Love is the answer. I've always believed that. 
          Anyway, I'll stop now. Just wanted to let you guys know I didn't go away, nor did I forget about you guys. There will be new chapters coming out soon. 
          In the meantime, stay safe. Stay tuned ❤


          What's up guys?? How are you doing? It has been a while!!
          So you guys have probably noticed I don't write like everyone else. I've got my own personal style. Not just a different story telling style, but also a different writing style. Now, I know you guys like quotation marks a lot and it's something everyone is always pointing out. I came here to say I know what they are and what they're used for so you guys dont need to talk to me as if I'm stupid. I personally decided I was not gonna use them in my stories. I'm Portuguese and here in Portugal the quotation marks aren't used that much. 
          I am Portuguese and I will always be. 
          This is how I've always written. This is me. This is me showing you a piece of my culture. 
          So no, my English is not perfect since I taught myself how to speak and write English. My grammar won't be on point, for the same reason.
          And no, I will not use quotation marks when my characters are speaking.  Ever. 
          I am a writer. I'm an artist. I am free. 
          And if you can't appreciate my stories because of my personal style, I'm really sorry but I dont plan on changing. 
          Thank you sooo much for reading ❤ Y'all are amazing. Have an amazing day 


Wow. Just wow! Dirty Angels MC was
           Amazing! I was on the edge of my seat the whole book. It's now 3am and I just finished I cldnt put it down. I felt so many different emotions with your story. Honestly I was thinking this would be like every other MC book. Bad boy get the girl. Kidnapped. Saved. Happily ever. But this. This was incredible. It was so REAL. Also I cried when Ace died. And even harder when Kat gave up Mike and died the way she did. I was really not expecting it. But I loved your book from beginning to end. You are fantastic author. Thank you I really enjoyed it. 


@ Sh4rkmommie08  You've just made my day. I can't believe I haven't seen your message before... but I can't thank you enough! I'm glad I was able to put out original content even if it was under an oversaturated genre. And I'm so so happy you actually enjoyed it! That's just perfect  Thank you, once again. 
            Wishing you an amazing week and stay tuned! ✌