Welcome to my world of cold dark shadows, where angels tremble in fear of dreams,  and where nocturnal hunters prowl the nightmare realms, their steel tipped claws shredding the naked flesh of innocence. 

Originally from southwest of England and growing up within a stone's throw of the menhirs of Avebury and Stonehenge, the writer now resides in the Cote d'Or of Burgundy, France, an area renowned for some of the best red wines in the world.

A boarding school education spawned an ambition to become a writer of science fiction stories; however, responsibility to a wife and son, and a career in electronic design subverted the dream until divorce in 2003 when the creative urge was re-ignited. A writer of short stories and novels, his favoured genre being tales of horror, much of his writing depicts elements of the occult and paranormal often with a hint of eroticism.

He also writes a little poetry, usually on dark subjects, but never considers himself to be a poet, likening it more to weaving colourful patterns with words on a form, which hopefully depict a story to the reader like a tapestry.

Published works include: Short Stories:-
The Werewolves of Mauvin. - I Believe In Werewolves published by NetBound Publishing.
Rest In Peace. - Thirsty Are The Damned published by Rainstorm Press.
Ghosts Of Rosslynne Bay. - Spirits Of The Night published by NetBound Publishing.
Wishthounds. - Spirits Of The Night published by NetBound Publishing.
The Necromancer. - coming shortly - Obscurum - the occult anthology by Of Blood And Oak Publishing.
  • Autun
  • JoinedOctober 3, 2012