
Thank you to all the readers of The Boundless Series. Your votes, additions to reading lists, and comments have been so wonderful. Please share the links with your reading friends. While I don't get paid for your reads, follows, votes, comments, and additions to reading lists are like tipping your server. I feel supported and encouraged by all of you and hope to bring your more content in the future. 
          	Don't forget that I have been uploading Shepherds & Lambs, an erotic mystery series. Let me know what you think about that story.
          	Happy Reading.


Thank you to all the readers of The Boundless Series. Your votes, additions to reading lists, and comments have been so wonderful. Please share the links with your reading friends. While I don't get paid for your reads, follows, votes, comments, and additions to reading lists are like tipping your server. I feel supported and encouraged by all of you and hope to bring your more content in the future. 
          Don't forget that I have been uploading Shepherds & Lambs, an erotic mystery series. Let me know what you think about that story.
          Happy Reading.


Thank you to the many people who have been reading and voting for chapters in my books. It means a lot. 
          Sorry to have been out of touch recently. I've been busy since starting a full-time job over the summer. I also have been a mentee of an agent from a literary agency, and I've recently been promoted to assistant literary agent. All that means is I'm still learning but I'm working on behalf of a signed client. I only rep picture books and illustrations because I don't want any conflicts with the Adult Romances that I write. 
          My writing has stalled because I'm just overwhelmed with handling everything else in my life. But I want to bring you more stories. I have an Erotic Suspense series but I haven't edited the last two out of three books. I don't know when I will. I have to finish those two to have a consistent storyline, much like The Boundless Series. Everything I write in a series is filled with breadcrumbs that lead from Book One to the conclusion of Book Three. 
          I've lost a lot of my Beta Readers after years of writing to become traditionally published with a new pen name instead of self-publishing, trying to reach my author dreams. No complaints, though. I'm so happy with the readers I've found here on Wattpad. I appreciate your time and support. Please continue to vote, follow, comment on my stories. Share the links with your friends. Follow me on social media. And I love personal messages and conversations. 
          Happy Reading,


Hello Everyone,
          This is just an announcement that Stained Glass Shards has only two chapters left in the novel. I hope you enjoyed Elyce, Griffin and Ritter's story. It was nice to return to these characters that I'd written so long ago while I was still learning the craft of writing. I can't call SGS a true romance but it has a satisfying ending, I think. If you like the story so far, please add it to your reading list, vote for chapters, tell your friends about the novel, and follow me for more updates. 
          I've been working a new job but I'm already considering the next story from my backlist that I want to bring to you. It's called Shepherds & Lambs. It's an Erotic Mystery set in a sex cult run by the heroine's late father. It's really spicy. I have finished book 2 and 3 but I haven't run it by first readers or editors. I just don't have the funds to pay an editor and proofreader--yet! I may hold off on those books until I get it in great shape to share and publish widely. 
          What other Wattpad stories are you reading? Recommend something. I'm always in the mood for something Dark Romance or New Adult set in college. Let me know what you think I should read next.


Hi All,
          I want to apologize for not updating Stained Glass Shards these last couple of weeks. I've been preparing myself mentally and productivity-wise around my home to start a new job today. I return to the workforce after spending time raising my children. But it's time to get get a routine centered around working outside of my home and organizing every other aspect of my life. 
          I've had some new readers. Thank you for Voting and Commenting. Please add my books to your reading list so you can get updates (and there will be updates) for all of my stories. Please continue to vote for chapters that keep you engaged and interested in continuing the story. Votes are a big help for Wattpad Creators. We can't get visibility on this huge app without Votes, Follows, Comments, and additions to Reading Lists. Please tell your friends about my stories so I can get new readers and grow my following. 
          What are you reading lately? I'm reading an off-Wattpad anthology with an "End of the World" theme. It's very sexy. The Romance authors are all top of the Romance game. What are your favorite tropes? I definitely love Dark Romances with Alphas and Billionaires, if you can't tell from my Boundless Series.
          Well, I have a long commute. I wish you a lovely day and hope you get a lot of reading done. 
          Happy Reading,


@elyousfilam That means so much. I will keep you posted. Thank you for supporting me. <3


That’s awesome, can’t wait to see what you will do next ❤️ you’re the best, mama 


@elyousfilam Thank you so much. There are 11 chapters left. I will post one per day until complete. I appreciate you sticking by my stories. Happy reading!!!


Hi All,
          It's been a while since I sent a note to all of you. First, I want to thank you for reading my updates for Stained Glass Shards. I've been trying to update consistently because I want to bring you another series that I'm almost finished with. I've been feeling a bit restless in my career. I love writing but it's hard to be seen and get feedback so your votes and comments really help inspire me, especially when I don't get compensated for sharing my writing. 
          Please continue to Vote, Comment, Follow, and add my books to your Reading List. And if you believe my work should be nominated in reading groups and profiles, please share. This all helps a writer know how much the stories mean to you. These responses give me the inspiration to continue sharing. Wattpad is a huge site so getting seen is hard to come by. Now that we're headed into summer, I'm trying to figure out the next phase of 2023 and beyond but that requires more readers and engagement. If you have any ideas on how to build up my followers or increase readers, please let me know. 
          What are you reading on Wattpad? If there's a Romance book or series you're into, please share. I love finding new authors and stories. Speaking of authors, please check out my favorite author's novella series and duet. @VerboseVixen is such a go-to author for me. She writes the hottest romances. Everything she writes, I devour. Start with her Continental Breakfast series and binge the rest, you won't regret it. 
          Until next time, sweet readers.


@verbosevixen My absolute pleasure!!! I love everything you write. <3


Thank you for sharing. I appreciate you so much and wish you the absolute most success as a writer. You deserve all the accolades ❤️


Hi All, 
          I’m so honored to have Rebound, Boundless Series, Book 1 be added to @WattpadSeries’ Romance reading list. It’s so nice to have my book available to readers of Romance. Thank you so much, @WattpadSeries. Check out their profile and follow them for more Wattpad book recommendations. 

          I’ve uploaded Chapter 9 and 10 of Stained Glass Shards. I’m enjoying reconnecting with a story I wanted to write but didn’t know how it would be received by readers when it’s not a romance and seemed more like Erotic Women’s Fiction or Erotic ChickLit.  

          I had planned to write a novel in April but I’m not prepared to write anything. I did start a film script. I do want to write Romance screenplays and see a movie I’ve written on TV, but I don’t know if I want to write that either. I’m just trying to figure out my next writing vibe. I’d been writing to traditionally publish for two years and I’ve not found success so I’m losing steam on writing overall. I especially don’t want to write for that other pen name. I want to get back to my first love, which is writing Romantic Suspense. I love Dark Romance. And I’ve strayed so far away from the genre because I’ve been trying to write for gatekeepers who have these visions that aren’t truly mine or holding back from the story to appeal to a group of insiders who decide the trend of what readers should buy and read. With all that confusion of what I want to write or should write, I’m a little lost on writing anything new for any publication. I should consider trying to write for me and the vibes that inspires me to write in the first place. 
          I will try to figure out my next move. I do have a book I want to write exclusively for Wattpad. As always, thanks for supporting my works. Please continue to support your Wattpad authors with Votes, Comments, adding to Reading List, and Follows.


@RosemaryRey The least we (readers) can do is show our appreciation  for the great stories & wonderful worlds we get to explore, through your writing.


@Keetcha This means so much to me. More than I can convey. Thank you for reading my work. I will continue to put my old stuff up and will try to write new things here. Your message inspired me to return to a project intended for Wattpad. Much appreciated. <3


@RosemaryRey You should definitely be writing for you, subjects/genres that you wish to address/explore.  Whatever you choose, I'm sure I'll be reading it, I love your work & appreciate you sharing it with us.  


Hi Everyone,
          I have to start off with many apologies for not posting updates for Stained Glass Shards. Chapter 5 is up. Despite being a completed novel, I have to review the content and reformat it to bring it to Wattpad readers. This novel was written early in my writing career so I was trying, and failing, to format chapters in a way that works for readers. Chapters must be well-paced, intriguing, and have a suspenseful conclusion. But these chapters were all jumbled with extremely long narrative. I think the story is good, but it's the natural pauses that must be included. Wattpad suggests 2,000 words per chapter update, and I agree. So I'm trying to get there. Some chapters will be longer. Some slightly shorter. 
          Also, I have to say that I'm suffering from burnout. I've been attempting to write for a new pen name and get traditionally published, so my brain is stuck on writing to get paid. Now, we should all be compensated for our work, but I've been trying to find a full-time job, write, raise children, and pay large expenses for my older children's education. Overwhelm is too small of a word. I'm downright exhausted with it all. And I couldn't bring myself to write, revise, upload... Nothing. 
          Instead, I've been binge-watching Spanish Telenovelas, trying to get inspired to return to the business of writing. One thing is for sure, I will write a YA Romance in April. And yes, it will be to attempt traditional publication. If I can't find a job outside of the house, then I have to hustle at home to make money in the publishing industry. 
          My goal is to upload chapters of Stained Glass Shards and release three per week. Perhaps more if I can upload more chapters at a time as drafts. I also need to get back to reading. I was so disillusioned by writing that I needed inspiration and returned to Nora Ephron's essays—the patron saint of RomComs. I listened to 75% of her book yesterday. I feel a lot better because of it. Follow, comment, and vote, please. Happy Reading!