
   Hello my dear readers!Happy Valentine's day to all!If your single like me then that's ok,your one true will find you or you'll find them in a perfect time.If you are taken then good for you!Be sure to do something special for your love one even if it's a simple one they'll love it I'm sure of that.
          	(Also story updates will continue once I finish my school activities)
          	   Happy Valentine's Day!
          	~Author :)


   Hello my dear readers!Happy Valentine's day to all!If your single like me then that's ok,your one true will find you or you'll find them in a perfect time.If you are taken then good for you!Be sure to do something special for your love one even if it's a simple one they'll love it I'm sure of that.
          (Also story updates will continue once I finish my school activities)
             Happy Valentine's Day!
          ~Author :)


    Happy New Year my dear readers it's 2024 now.I just want to thank every single one of you that supported me and being patience with me,as an author I really appreciate that,it means a lot to me.
              When I started making stories I didn't think anyone would reader my stories,mainly because I only started it because I was bored out of my mind the day I started.But now because of you all I'm continuing making stories because you all enjoy reading it and I enjoy making it now.Thank you all!
          I love you all my readers! ♥️
          ~Author : )


    MY DEAR READERS!I have returned!How long?Just as long as my Christmas break unfortunately.I have started slowly updating as much of my stories as I can since once class starts again I won't be able to update just as much again.
               Now for people who have always asked for updates.It will be done don't worry.Now the reason of me being busy is because I'm in college and the course that I took.Now,all I'm going to say is that it's related to the medical fields and I need to focus as much to it as I can.Specially since there will be an upcoming exam that will be basically relay my whole college life in it sometime next year.I'm studying at the same time writing ideas/stories for updates.
                Another thing please.I love you all my readers I really do,but please.Don't message me constantly for updates.You are pressuring me too much already,and college is already challenging.And my mental health is threatening to be as bad as it was in junior high and it was bad BAD.
                So yeah.I'm not sure in what order I am updating my stories.Just know that I'm going to update all of them (Maybe two won't be updated,not sure yet).
               I thank you all my readers for the understanding,support, and patience!
           I love you all! ♥️
           ~Author : )


@SCMight145 Just don’t stress for the books, just don’t abandon them, take as long as u need too


@EclipseRoyal340 Is it bad that your my favorite reader since I started?But thank you for the assurance much appreciated♥️


@SCMight145  author I don’t care if u update, just pass college and update in a year or two
            It’s fine, just don’t abandon the stories


     MY DEAR READERS!I'M BACK!(For two days)I know it's been a long time since I have updated any of stories and I apologize for that greatly.College have been harder on me.Your Dear author haven't slept for two days now since I had to pass some requirements.that required a great deal of my time unfortunately.BUT!....
          My own Destiny will be updated later this evening!
          And Another one of my stories will be updated tomorrow but I'm still debating on which one!
          So yeah if I still have time I'll updated another story so I can update 3 stories (hopefully).
          Thank you for your patience and support!
          -Author : )


            and thank u for the update