
Hi everyone! To those reading Hell Raised, the story is on a little break while I get through this busy time of year (my full-time job is hectic at the moment!) as it is difficult to keep a steady writing schedule.  I'll see you all with the next chapter on Friday 31st January 2020. Happy holidays everyone!


OMG, Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Your book Sage: The Power Within was one of the very first books i read here on Wattpad and automatically fell in love with. I was 14 at the time now I'm 22, so glad to come across it again and congratulations on being a published author. 


Hi I have question about Sage book I been reading this many years but I been meaning to ask why does Red earth wants with sage and why does Bryce wants to do with Sage been in my mind since I discover this


@Jaq_Willow It has changed alright lol. I'm gonna read it again nohow ❣️


@Jaq_Willow Oh wow!!!!! That's awesome, thank you for reading it back then and for remembering it now! That means a lot to me. I'm sure the writing has changed a little since you first read it, haha. 


Hey the 'a storm of chaos' is lit . Just wanted to ask when the clash of shadow will be out .
          To add can u read my story to . 


@nortrah thank you so much! I'm not sure when Clash of Shadow will be out, I'm just taking a little hiatus from writing on Wattpad due to work commitments but as soon as I have a timeline I will post an update for everyone waiting.


Hey. Just letting you know I love storm of chaos new cover. It's awesome! What app did you use? 


@SJ_Holder well tell your friend that they are amazing. I wish I had that kind of talent to paint and draw my own covers.


@FallStorm80 Thank you! It was actually artwork a friend did for me, then I just added some graphics in photoshop. 


Hi I really love SAGE and I also started reading another book of yours, The Hunter Legacy #1, and I'm nearing the end but because it was finished in 2018 and there hasn't been a book 2 at least not in whatpadd, and I was wondering if you'll continue the series. So if you could tell I'd be grateful.


Thank you. I'm relieved now that I know the series will continue. I also look forward to reading the second book to SAGE. 


@ibeenfallingfor30min thank you so much for reading my work! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'll absolutely be continuing The Hunter Legacy, I've just had to put everything on hold while I got through my last semester of uni which I have just finished. Book 2 is still being written, so I may not be posting it before the end of the year but just know it is definitely in progress.  


          I just finished A Storm of Chaos and it was amazing! I love the world building and puzzling the story together. 
          I was wondering what your plans are for the second book? 
          Will you be posting on wattpad for the sequel?


Ok good! Either way, I look forward to reading it one day.
            Happy writing!


@Universe59 Hello! Thank you for reading. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun writing it. :) I'm not sure yet if I will post the sequel on Wattpad, as I am looking to publish ASoC first. The sequel isn't finished though, so it will take me awhile before it is ready for Wattpad if I do decide to upload it here.


When will you be publishing the 2nd book to the hunter legacy?


@AnnParker Hello! At this stage, I don't have a timeline for the 2nd book to be published here. I am planning to formally publish the 1st book this year, so that will take priority as well as the rewrite of Sage and the completion of Hell Raised.  If my schedule changes at all, I will let you know! Thank you so much for supporting me. Happy reading!