
Just a quick reminder that IN RE BABY Q will be unpublished in 24 hours. If you have started the story, now is the time to finish. 


The ONC shortlist was announced today and I couldn't believe that both BETWEEN and PARADISE FALLING were both on there (they must have changed the rules this year because I fully expected for at least one of them be cut). CONGRATS to all the other shortlisters -- all the entries I read/am reading this year are absolutely amazing. 
          However, the success was bittersweet because I didn't find a few exceptional entries on the list, so I want to give a special shout-out to my personal ONC winners who were unfortunately eliminated:
          @Fairytale_Fabler -- Where It Ends (Grady and Taryn absolute rock!)
          @GandalfofspaceAnli -- Sal, Butter & Pepper (you just gotta love Butter)
          @EvelynHail -- Love, Dad (I'd go with April and Dave on a road trip any day) 
          @shellzels -- Wyatt's Magical Wardrobe (time travel the fun way :)
          @elveloy -- Time Agent (I still want to know what happened to Marcel, lol)
          @MelisandeScott -- Dear Citlali (three strangers that become so much more)
          @Cocosghost -- Racing to Their Deaths (those twisters will haunt you)
          @evacharya -- Stone 2 Stone (the best (and most original) Medusa retelling you'll ever read)
          @ricardosalarich -- Mayan Moon (the mysteries around an arranged marriage)
           @lyttlejoe  -- The Janus Discord (spies, intrigue, and mystery; who can ask for more?)


@SallyMason1 Thanks for the mention, ma'am. This means a lot, coming from you. Rooting for both your stories!


Thanks for the mention, @SallyMason1 . You're kindness, talent, and prolificacy never cease to amaze me. I hope to finish both stories this summer!


@SallyMason1 Thank you so much for the shoutout, Sal ♥️! Congratulations to you again, those two entries are golden ☺️ and I loved them both to bits!


Happy Tuesday, everyone! The War Bride Saga is continuing with the prequel novella WAR ORPHAN, told by no one other than Tomás Araya. Always wanted to know about the backstory that turned him into a jerk? This is your chance to find out! 
          I will update the story every other day (sometimes daily) to ensure it will be posted prior to War Widow (set to post on June 15). Happy reading!!!


I hope y'all having a great start to the week. The final two chapters of WAR BRIDE were just posted, and the full story will be available on WP until June 30, 2024, at which time, it will be unpublished. Don't miss out to read this Amazon bestseller for FREE!!!
          WAR ORPHAN, the prequel novella to War Bride told from Tomas's POV, will start publishing tomorrow, and Stacy will be back in the main series in WAR WIDOW on June 15th. 
          Happy reading and thanks to everyone who has been checking out War Bride and who has shown the story some love with votes and comments. Your support means the world to me <3


Attention to all LUNAR ECLIPSE fans and those of you who like werewolf stories: Part I of LUNAR ECLIPSE is currently being republished as part of my WP anniversary celebration (and it also has received a new cover -- I hope you like it). The full story has been completed offline, so everyone will get to read the ending :)
          Happy reading!