
Hello all.  Life is super busy but Mateo will be finished within 2 weeks and will be released on Amazon on June 28th.
          	After that comes the long awaited Doc and Chris honeymoon! Wheeeeee.
          	Question: I'm planning book 3 of the Gardeners of Skye series and want to know what your favorite trope is.  For those who have read the beginning of Wisteria cottage, book 3 will be Cowboy Jack's book.   So, boss/employee?  Arranged date/marriage?  A long-lost love returns?  Enemies to lovers?  What would you like to read?
          	I hope you're doing well.  Take care! :)


@SammyDAdams I'm just starting the Dominant Doctor series so I have no idea what you're talking about  Although I'm sure you'll do great! (I'm on book 3 already)


@SammyDAdams I admit I'm a sucker for the cold boss/underdog but competent employee who melts his heart. And throw in an ex who dumped them and wants them back ( but to late they've caught the boss's eye) trope.


Hello all.  Life is super busy but Mateo will be finished within 2 weeks and will be released on Amazon on June 28th.
          After that comes the long awaited Doc and Chris honeymoon! Wheeeeee.
          Question: I'm planning book 3 of the Gardeners of Skye series and want to know what your favorite trope is.  For those who have read the beginning of Wisteria cottage, book 3 will be Cowboy Jack's book.   So, boss/employee?  Arranged date/marriage?  A long-lost love returns?  Enemies to lovers?  What would you like to read?
          I hope you're doing well.  Take care! :)


@SammyDAdams I'm just starting the Dominant Doctor series so I have no idea what you're talking about  Although I'm sure you'll do great! (I'm on book 3 already)


@SammyDAdams I admit I'm a sucker for the cold boss/underdog but competent employee who melts his heart. And throw in an ex who dumped them and wants them back ( but to late they've caught the boss's eye) trope.


I just finished reading Truth & Dare on Kindle Unlimited.I loved the book. I also posted a review as KLG. I want to purchase it but don't see the option. Can you send me a link? Thank you. 


@IIjarq12 I have tried on KU. Thank you for responding. 


@IIjarq12 or wattpad may thwart me too.  There's a link in my profile but usually you can buy from the same page you got it on ku.  


Very sad, I rejoined Amazon to read more of Gregory and Chris's journey, and Wattpad has more of it than Amazon. 


@Ready_2_Reed Healing Ollie and Truth & Dare are also exclusively on Amazon :)  Happy reading.


@Ready_2_Reed It's all on Amazon, each volume is two books here.  So volume 8 on Amazon is books 15 and 16 :)


You guys won't be surprised to find out that I changed a few things around, will you?  Best laid plans and all that...
          Truth & Dare is submitted and will be published this Friday.  It will come off Wattpad then, as well.
          We are well into Mateo's story.  It's been in my head for years and refused to stay quiet any longer so it's being posted.  Come on over.
          Doc and Chris' Honeymoon is still in the works, have no fear!
          Thanks :)


@SammyDAdams can you keep Truth & Date story on watpad until April 1st ? I am only on 1st year chapter twelve.


@SammyDAdams I am so happy to hear that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


@SammyDAdams nice job your Wattpad stories are amazing


I just finished your Truth and Dare book with Alex and Dare. Loved it!
          Are we getting a Ollie and Kevin one too?
          I was somewhat confused, having read Doc books, Kevin seemed crazy about Ollie, so was so confused abt the Malik dude. What happened there?


Healing Ollie is the story of Kevin and Ollie and it is available on Kindle. It is also amazing 