
You're welcome!! If I ever do have the guts to post a story on here, you'll be the first to know. I've seen some of the horrible comments people post to each other... I honestly don't know if I have the self-esteem to handle that. But I guess ya never know till ya try right?


You're welcome!! If I ever do have the guts to post a story on here, you'll be the first to know. I've seen some of the horrible comments people post to each other... I honestly don't know if I have the self-esteem to handle that. But I guess ya never know till ya try right?


Be amazing cuz thats what you showing the world everyday ^-^


@SapphyraRose some people be haters gurl just keep walking 


@Book_rapper aw, hali! you're so sweet!
            @SapphyraRose don't think too much! there will be people who will support you! I'm sure of it. Wattpad has given me a lot of good friends so I cheer for ya!