
To my few readers who've been keeping up with Strings--particularly @mikeyoung87 @HockHayal @Jovarae --I need to take a brief break from chapter updates in order to backtrack and put in some material that needs to be added. As I get to the end of this one, I realize it's missing some construction that needs to be in there. So if you see me editing old Rats chapters, that's what's up. Ya'll are the best, and sorry for the inconvenience.


To my few readers who've been keeping up with Strings--particularly @mikeyoung87 @HockHayal @Jovarae --I need to take a brief break from chapter updates in order to backtrack and put in some material that needs to be added. As I get to the end of this one, I realize it's missing some construction that needs to be in there. So if you see me editing old Rats chapters, that's what's up. Ya'll are the best, and sorry for the inconvenience.


I am so excited to see that the Wattys are being a lot more open this year! I can actually submit my works, as they don't care if my books are posted or for sale elsewhere (as far as I can tell from perusing the legal matters and entry guidelines) and are allowing works begun 1/1/22. Also, what they "get" if you win seems a lot less binding, as well! This makes me so happy. I think I'll actually be able to enter several of my novels, finally!


@SarahQuinnMcGrath That's great news! Best of luck (;


My first and second poetry anthologies will be under construction for a bit—you may want to take them off your reading lists while I remove poems from the first to place them in the second. Target goal is to put 100 poems in each anthology to match what I’ve actually published and have for sale on Amazon and through my website. 
          Just wanted people to know before they get too annoyed with notifications!


Your notifications never bothered me and I love those books :)))))


Just want to thank the writers below for allowing me to read and "judge" their works in the Gloria Regali Awards, science fiction category. I use the quotation marks because of course, my judging is subjective (though I really try to be fair), and I never want to discourage or offend anyone. I am always amazed at the variety of styles and stories of my fellow writers, and I wish all of you the best in your writing endeavors! 


@SarahQuinnMcGrath Thank you for the time and care with each review. I personally thought you insights were very interesting and helpful. I also loved that you underlined the positive aspects of the story. So thank you so much for your job! Having judges like you make wirting much easier and meaningful❤️❤️❤️ Cheers!! 


@SarahQuinnMcGrath Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to judge our stories and leave such great, in-depth reviews. They are greatly appreciated.


@SarahQuinnMcGrath  Thank you for judging and writing reviews! It was great!


Sublime Messages is edited and up via kindle on Amazon. It will soon be available in paperback as well. 
          This week, I'll get going on Strings, my newest WIP! Be on the lookout . . .


@SeraDrake oh I’ll send a free copy if you DM a mailing address! That’s so nice of you. All my socials are accessible through my linktree, via my profile. I would love to connect! I try to read indie authors and also prefer paperbacks!


@mikeyoung87 neglecting the rest of my life . . . 


I'M DONE!!!!! I finished Sublime Messages. About 97,200 words. It needs a serious edit, but I'm proud of it! A few weeks of proofing, and I'm on to the next. Thank you for anyone who gave it a chance!