
Hi all, I hope you’re all doing well. I’m posting this because recently I’ve noticed a lot of readers have offered to continue where I left off with my story Pokémon School.
          	If you’re genuinely interested and want to try and finish the story then reply to this announcement and I’ll make a decision in the coming days.
          	Like I said a few months ago I doubt I’ll write again but who knows what the future will hold. However for now since everybody wants a conclusion for this old fan fiction I’m willing to let somebody or a group finish this story. 
          	Take it easy, Sawyer 


@SawyerKamiya someone called @ohdrama has made a continued version and it's actually pretty decent.


@SawyerKamiya finish story please


@SawyerKamiya i have just posted a new chapter for it, pls come see it, i want you to have the chance to see what is in store for it, and my friends are also assisting me in this as well, i really hope you like what i have


Hey, can i make your story's sequel? 
          I want to make it but i Won't do it without your permission 


You can write your own variation if you like. It’s always great to see other writers perspective of the story 


@Shadow_Mega_Mewtwo_X cause it seems he's dead *sigh*


Hi everyone 
          I had read the POKEMON SCHOOL book and feel very sad that this amazing book doesn't have a proper ending that it deserve. So I am trying to write a book that will be sequel to this 
          I will not be good as @SawyerKamiya but l will try hopefully you will check out my story.
          Also I will try to add some of my ideas.

          @SawyerKamiya tell me your opinion on this thank you .


@amourbond well i thought maybe we could work together, i do got some interesting idea that you may like


@CJ360X7 look i am glad that you had already make the book for it but the story is not owned by you so you can not decided whether should I write it or not If @sawyerkamiya tells me to it then I will officially close the book . There are other books also that had already make the sequel to this book.  I think we should support each other and I am not opposing your book . I will write my story and you will yours and people will read whatever they like let audience decide it . Hopefully you will understand it . 


@amourbond i hate to burst your bubble, but i managed to make the 2nd book already, not to mention i also made a discord group for it, if you like you can join us, we'd be more than happy to have you with us


Everyone that is followed to SawyerKamiya's profile, I have decided to write the continuation of the story, so if you wanna see it pls follow my wattpad, and @SawyerKamiya if you do see the story, I hope you will be impressed with it.


Hi all, I hope you’re all doing well. I’m posting this because recently I’ve noticed a lot of readers have offered to continue where I left off with my story Pokémon School.
          If you’re genuinely interested and want to try and finish the story then reply to this announcement and I’ll make a decision in the coming days.
          Like I said a few months ago I doubt I’ll write again but who knows what the future will hold. However for now since everybody wants a conclusion for this old fan fiction I’m willing to let somebody or a group finish this story. 
          Take it easy, Sawyer 


@SawyerKamiya someone called @ohdrama has made a continued version and it's actually pretty decent.


@SawyerKamiya finish story please


@SawyerKamiya i have just posted a new chapter for it, pls come see it, i want you to have the chance to see what is in store for it, and my friends are also assisting me in this as well, i really hope you like what i have