
Hi there, loves! It's been a while. I would like to thank everyone who has read Hades for all their love and continued support over the years. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that a book I wrote would have gotten this much love and attention. Secondly, after a long hiatus from writing, I have decided, with much encouragement from others, to return to writing. However, at the moment, I am at a crossroads regarding what story to focus on. My main idea is to revamp, edit, and continue writing Lunatic. However, there are a few other stories that I have had in the back of my mind for a while that are more aligned with Hades. I would greatly appreciate any feedback regarding which direction you, as the reader, would like me to further focus on. Until then, I wish you all the love, light, and wonder that the world has to offer. All my love, always. -s


Hi there, loves! It's been a while. I would like to thank everyone who has read Hades for all their love and continued support over the years. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that a book I wrote would have gotten this much love and attention. Secondly, after a long hiatus from writing, I have decided, with much encouragement from others, to return to writing. However, at the moment, I am at a crossroads regarding what story to focus on. My main idea is to revamp, edit, and continue writing Lunatic. However, there are a few other stories that I have had in the back of my mind for a while that are more aligned with Hades. I would greatly appreciate any feedback regarding which direction you, as the reader, would like me to further focus on. Until then, I wish you all the love, light, and wonder that the world has to offer. All my love, always. -s


Hi ! Just came here to say that I really loved Hades, your writing it’s so beautiful and it really transported me to the story, honestly can’t wait for your future projects 


@BadKarmaShit thank you so much for the lovely message about Hades!


hello how are you?
           i am writing a book that include greek mythology  
          can i get inspired by how Ella and hades met please


ah thank so much i publish the first chapter already


@Lunar_Strawberry hi there, thank you for asking permission first, it's totally fine if you draw inspiration from their meeting - let me know when you publish your book and I'll give it a read! 


Hi everyone, 
          I am so happy to announce that I am currently in the process of writing a new book. I know it seems that i haven't posted in a long time however I have been writing. Hades is nearly finished and I want the next book to be perfect so that when I finish Hades I can post chapters on that book. Thank you for all your love, support and patience! ❤


@Sehhhhhhhh oh my gosh i cant wait but i will


@husnahussein_ I am having so much fun writing this book! I absolutely cannot wait to share it with you! Have a lovely day! 


@Sehhhhhhhh really?! *excited squealing* it’s okay! I’ll wait for it, Sarah! Don’t rush the writing, just have fun..
            Btw, I hope you have a nice day and week!




@husnahussein_   The light of Apollo will be another Greek mythology world and will involve characters from Hades but will not be about Hades or Ella and it will have a completely different story line. Lunatic is a little surprise I've been working on  its a werewolf book and I'm really excited to release it, best part is you all get to decide what gets published first!!! 