
I always wonder how to grow readership? 
          	Any ideas anyone? Like how to find my people?


Just read from the book 'The Practice' that we need to realizing that it's not working is an opportunity, you are now able to make it better. 
          So let's get typing/writing to improve - gotta go and edit and make my work better and better until I feel that it's great ! 
          P.s thanks for everyone who leave comment and give feedback, it's invaluable, like I know what ppl like and dislike (and my writing style strength and weaknesses)


A friend is helping me read ZuoMeng: To Dream, to improve the story further. Will be going into editing mood soon - with all the WIPs on my hand. 
          So sorry if updates are later than scheduled


@yaris052018 thank you so much for your kind words - it really made my day. Put a bright smile on it. I always feel that my writing style is not very main stream, your words just gave me a lot of confidence. (so grateful, thanks again).


            Hey Serein! Keep writing and I'm very excited to read your recent announcements. Sometimes we are lost in the middle of the game but never let that stop you.
            You have a simple yet wonderful writing style that leaves a strong impact. Will be happy to see your work reach great heights. Much love ❤️ and more power to you!


This sucks. One of my readers send their feedback to my inbox (I forgot to save it) and since the inbox function no longer working, it's gone! >...<


@nobodywasthere789 yeah stupid Wattpad - removing the function