


Its come to my attention that My Hero Academia Black Light 2 has been removed by Wattpad. I am HEARTBROKEN! I cannot even recover it from my drafts, I have no other copies to THAT story. I guess it violated community guidelines but i made sure to put up the trigger warnings up on that story cuz it is a very intense story. 
          If anyone reported it, if u have a problem.with my content u can always come to me in DMs because every story is a part of me in some way so my story being taken down is like someone stabbing me  in the ❤. 
          I am seriously wondering if me rewriting it is with it, I've always used my fandoms in a more real and doen to earth way. This hurts me terribly that one of the stories that i truly poured my heart n soul on is GONE. for my followers and readers. Thanks for sticking by me even in my times where i have big writing gaps n blocks. Im not the type of writer to shy away from topics that may seem offensive to some ppl. That's what makes my characters n stories feel real. 
          Im nit sorry for writing what i write. I'll keep going even if ppl take down my content. Im not easily discouraged. 


@Seri_The_Rock I'm sorry your story had gotten removed I was looking forward to reading it


OMG 453 followers?! I am so thankful to you all. 
          I know that I haven't been updating my fanfiction in a while. I have been working on my original work Rogue and revising it and printing out the first draft. its been a very long process. I am going to find a way to publish it at some point in the near future and when that happens I will let you know where to purchase it if you're interested. 
          thank you so much for your patience and constant love for my stories. I love you back!!


@Seri_The_Rock yeah im sorry. I will as soon as i can. I have a writers block. 


I can't wait to find out what happens next


            Are u gonna post a new chapter of His Angel soon?