
Cover has been updated at last! I’ve realised the value that Hwan and Aki bring to the series, hence why they are now in the new cover! I will not be publicly revealing this cover yet on socials but to the readers here, it’s all for you to see first! Thank you for all the love and support! \(//∇//)\


Cover has been updated at last! I’ve realised the value that Hwan and Aki bring to the series, hence why they are now in the new cover! I will not be publicly revealing this cover yet on socials but to the readers here, it’s all for you to see first! Thank you for all the love and support! \(//∇//)\


Happy Pride Month to all of you reading this! ️‍ Its late and I’m unable to say much but I’d like you to know what whether or not you align with the LGBTQ+ community, you matter and you’re valid   Stay safe and get vaccinated if it’s accessible for you!


Happy birthday to my editor, @Meerkat2003! Hope you have a great birthday and thank you for all the wonderful ideas throughout the duration of the story 


@Meerkat2003 You’re welcome! Hope your day went smoothly  #^.^#)


@ShigiWrites AHHH THANKIUUUU <33


Happy New Year, Readers! I hope all of you stay safe and healthy! Please be wary of the virus, wear your masks and wash your hands and stay indoors whenever possible! Apart from that, I hope you have a wonderful new year!
          “Go on..just say it,”. 
          “Nagi, I can’t...There’s people watching....”
          Nagisa clears his throat hugging Yuto protectively in his arms. “As he was supposed to say, happy new year to you guys!”. 
          “Thank you for reading our story and keeping up with our friends and us for a year and a half now! We all hope that you’ll continue to follow along and enjoy the journey. Right babe?”.
          Yuto nods shyly, his face still buried in Nagisa’s chest. 
          “I’m sure he’ll brighten up soon. He’s still quite shy,”.
          “Nagisa! Kirishima-kun, come in! The fireworks are about to go off!”.
          “We’re coming Oto-san!”.
          Nagisa smiles and waves goodbye to you guys.  “We’ll get going then. Come along for our next adventure,”.
          They leave, fiery sparks of colour blanketing the night sky.


Today I published 4 chapters and today we gained 100 reads! I’m shocked, I really am! Only yesterday did we hit 200 reads for Shinpai Janai (心配じゃない ) but now we’re at 300+?! I really can’t express how thankful I am to the readers of this book. It’s barely been out for a month but I’ve been working on it for a while! I hope you continue to enjoy this story!
          Thank you to @meerkat2003! She’s been giving me plot ideas when I was stuck and helping me elevate the plot’s outline even more, giving contrast to the story when it needed it most! 
          Again, I’d like to thank you all for being so invested in this passion project of mine!