
I am happy to begin introducing people to even more of my crazy world of superhero type stories as Lexi embarks on her second major adventure, simply entitled "Do the Wright Thing" 
          	This story, like so many others is inspired by the antics of Kim Possible, the action of Batman and the unique lovable characters of ... well, my heart. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing your feedback soon!


Out Of This World seems to be the longest running book you have so far  
          Can't wait for the next chapter. Also, how are you? I would be dming, but Wattpad decided to make a big fucky wucky and removed that feature, so here I am


@Xayle1422 All is indeed well, and I'm happy to know that you are also doing well. (I was trying to be corny but couldn't think of any good words to use)


@Xayle1422 Out of this World IS the longest story in the ShrinkGirl canon so far, yes. Been a lot of fun writing it though. I'm doing pretty well, and yes it is unfortunate that our DMing ability has been stripped away but I'm glad you're looking forward to more and hope all is well with you as well


BTW, if you don't mind, if you have the time, would be down to check out like the first three chapters of Soul Crossers? Just the first three, it's got a superhero vibe to it, and I think you might like it, but it'd be cool to get an opinion from someone who like actions and heroes probably more than me.


@ShrinkGirl It would be an honor.
            That is both a statement I'm sure both a fictional superhero and fictional serial killer have said...huh.


@SalexanderWorkshop I'd be honored once I have some time ~ I'm sure it's a great story~


Hey, are you still gonna stay on Wattpad? Did you hear about the Wattpad Purge?


@ShrinkGirl Sorry, I forget to get back to you. There's been like a lot of crazy drama going on with Wattpad: people's stories getting taken down either cuz of content Wattpad's trying to crack down using AI only for other people's work to get taken down, so I just wanted to make sure you knew. I think you'll be fine, but if something weird happens, lemme or anyone know.


@SalexanderWorkshop Huh? Ummm yes, I planned to but now you have me a bit worried... what's up?


I am happy to begin introducing people to even more of my crazy world of superhero type stories as Lexi embarks on her second major adventure, simply entitled "Do the Wright Thing" 
          This story, like so many others is inspired by the antics of Kim Possible, the action of Batman and the unique lovable characters of ... well, my heart. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing your feedback soon!


I'm happy to announce that my first story here on Wattpad is complete! Thank you to those who have read and supported "A Shocking Start" -- it is only the first episode of the ShrinkGirl Chronicles and I very much am looking forward to showing you more in the days and weeks to come! Hope you're all having a fantastic day!


Hi all, I'm fairly new to all this (not writing necessarily although it has been a while) and I'd love to get to know more writers on here and just talk writing, life, whatever you'd like really ... I'm very approachable so hope to hear from y'all soon!


Do уou publish on Neobook ? 


@beodarerithigdyar I do not, would you recommend it?


I do not ... I just started publishing on here, truth be told, I've also shared this story on Deviant Art and some other venues but I'm looking to get more exposure and this website seems pretty cool and supportive of writers. Would you recommend Neobook as well?