
Wattpad deleted one of my works (Cycle) because it was apparently not in the guidelines when th story wa just about how Atsumu is scared of thunder and also their kid so Kiyoomi comforts them both???
          Wattpad, what-


            wattpad truly hates the SakuAtsu ship  :(((


@Simp_Sakuatsu Woah! It just happened to me too. I still have my sakuatsu ff's but i lost one of my other fandom's best ff...A friend of mine also lost theirs yesterday.


Haha... I miss posting sakuatsu  o(TωT)o  Sorry about not posting for... maybe more than 4 months... (;_:)
          Happy New year, by the way to everyone :) I hope all o you have a great new year.
          Firstly, I want to announce that yes, I will continue to post this year and I do have some ongoing stories that I'm still writing.
          Secondly, I'm still not sure whether I should delete 'Not so dense'. Many people seem to have different opinions on it. Some say they like it, and some say they don't. I'm not too sure. I wouldn't like to delete it for the people who have reread them a couple times (love u all) but I would also like to delete it since it kinda reminds me of my awkward stage of being a writer. Not that there's anything wrong with that but... o(*////▽////*)q 
          That's all, I think? Hopefully I can finally post this month. There's a surprise as well waiting in my drafts. 
          Also, please tell me if you're opinion if whether I should or should not delete "Not so dense" and post a rewritten version of it.
          ٩(ര̀ᴗര́) Bye bye now! Hope to post for you all soon enough.


@Simp_Sakuatsu dont delete it!! I really love your stories. I read some of your stories in AO3


          Struggling this month since tests are here but uh... Happy birthday to the chaotic fox twins! <3
          Will hopefully finish the one-shot for their birthday this month! Fingers crossed ⊙﹏⊙∥


I don't know why but I'm currently writing a series? Surprisingly. (._.)
          It's more like a rewrite of a story I deleted. I forgot if I had another title for it but it was a "wrong number" sakuatsu au.
          I'm changing it a bit and also adding some light angst in it, maybe more? I don't know.
          But I'm gonna try to make it more realistic? I don't know how I'm gonna do that but I'll figure it out :)
          That's kinda it lmao  ^_^ Also writing a one-shot ( ̄▽ ̄)