
Hi lovely people. The thing is that I need your help. I have been stuck with a problem about the spyxfamily fic. I want you all to give me suggestions about what I should make Loid gift Y/n like he gifted Anya with the recreation of the bondman scene. I have been trying to think and I even asked my friends but all of us are clueless. Please suggest


You should probably make loid gift y/n concert tickets  or take them a music studio 


Hi lovely people. The thing is that I need your help. I have been stuck with a problem about the spyxfamily fic. I want you all to give me suggestions about what I should make Loid gift Y/n like he gifted Anya with the recreation of the bondman scene. I have been trying to think and I even asked my friends but all of us are clueless. Please suggest


You should probably make loid gift y/n concert tickets  or take them a music studio 


When are you going to update the spy family fic 


Ok thanks for letting me know 


@chocolatebaricestorm soon, not now but soon, like in a few days, cause I really wanna read than write right now


So guys, I’ve been working on a Remus Lupin x reader on ao3 and I may write it on here someday but right now or anytime soon it won’t be available on Wattpad. So if you do want to read it you can read it on ao3. I would really appreciate if you read it. Have nice reading. Bye.


Ok so I forgot to add the name of it here heh so it is ‘Enchanded (a Remus Lupin x Reader)’