
I have always been taught to be afraid. It made me clever. 
          	Now I don't know how to be courageous. It made me a coward. 


          	  I really appreciate the way you intricately weave around your story plot without compromising with the core essence 
          	  Plus your characterization game is on spot and those word plays make you understand  a myriad of complex emotions that the character is undergoing 
          	  Your updates though bittt slow are definately worth it *passes a cheeky grin*


Hello didi, 
          When will you update??
          It has been ages


@Regulus55dyingfish its okay dear author , we understand 
            Thank you for informing us about this 
            Btw the story was lovely:)


@Regulus55dyingfish sorry. Won't be updating anymore. Thank you for reading and your love. 


Hello dear author,
          I really hope your finals went well.
          I love your stories and your way of expressing your imagination in the text. I was just wondering about the next update on vac as this story has me hooked 


@Regulus55dyingfish really appreciate you reading my work. Thank you!!! My finals just ended today. I will be updating in May positively. Sorry for the delay. I am immensely grateful for your patience:)


I have always been taught to be afraid. It made me clever. 
          Now I don't know how to be courageous. It made me a coward. 


            I really appreciate the way you intricately weave around your story plot without compromising with the core essence 
            Plus your characterization game is on spot and those word plays make you understand  a myriad of complex emotions that the character is undergoing 
            Your updates though bittt slow are definately worth it *passes a cheeky grin*


Part 3 (read previous announcement for part 2)
          10. I read some nice "The Untamed" fanfics and daydreamed (nightdreamed since I am awake at 3?) about some parts of Vac. (P.s. will try to write something soon idk when tho) I felt content. Cozy. 
          What I am getting at is perhaps this week was dysfunctional with bad eating habits (kids don't skip meals and eat leftover fried rice after midnight), bad life habits (won't elaborate on that) bad study habits (aka didn't study or attend classes)bad sleeping habits but everything amounted to me feeling happy for sometime at this godforsaken hour while everyone is sleeping. Happiness is rather fleeting. You can be neutral (as in no dominant emotions) be sad, angry, irritated, anxious, gleeful, giddy but rarely anyone is happy. Happy as in realise that yea I am happy right now. So to feel that if you need to take a break from stuff, do it. If you have to complain, whine, rant, then do it. It's ok. Happiness is fleeting but what we can do is embrace it back when it decides to wrap itself around us. 
          Thanks for reading you have reached this far. #much_love (I wish Wattpad would increase the number of characters for announcement)


@CupOfCoffee09 thanks. Will try. I hope you also find happiness :)


@SohiniModak8 Be happy babe, ots all that matters


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Part 2 (read the previous announcement for part 1)
          6. I like to pretend I don't give a shit. Which I really don't at times. So people know I am 'dont give a shit' person. But when I give a shit and want to pretend otherwise, my 'dont give a shit' attitude is easier to pretend. 
          7. I took a break from college. As in didn't go to classes (still in hostel tho and I have decided to worry about my attendance later). Lazying around in your own hostel room is damn therapeutic. 
          8. I have a tendency to go with the flow to avoid repeated explanations with people close to me. Then I proceed to dig up pros of said issue and convince myself going with the flow isn't so bad. I mean come on, peace is important. 
          9. I chatted with a random guy today. He said, "You don't like love?" I replied, "Love is for children." He said, "U love children." It was kinda hilarious. (His English is a bit weak. No disrespect meant. But it was funny)
          (Read part 3 in next announcement)