
So  for anyone who hasn’t or couldn’t try it out yet, Wattpad Premiuim is basically useless. I tried it out this week. Yeah, there’s no ads while reading- but the ads weren’t bothering me much before. And I can’t change the theme/color of my own account only the Orange theme of Wattpads colors on my app. Safe to say it’s a waste of money… in my opinion lol. Idk I just expected more things to do with it and ways to use the subscription on my account not just, the app itself. If that makes sense. Only buy this subscription if you can’t stand the ads, basically! Good for nothing but ads removal. 


@Spiritsx I say there is a lot....better books that are free than the books Wattpad is advertising...that's just my opinion-
          	  The books they advertise are people who do Watty Awards and are super popular, but they all right the same sh*t over and over again. With people who write for free I see so much more diversity and it's endless. And that's what I like so I'd rather, for me, stay with the free stuff.


@Dragon-Wolfiee totally agree lol. And yes like all of the locked stories r usually mafia or romance genres.. so unless u specifically wanna read that it doesn’t help to have certain stories unlocked or extra coins for reading them.. when I LIKE THE FREE BOOKS BETTER lol


@Spiritsx The subscription is more for paid stories- But like...who wastes their time doing that when there's MILLIONS of books that are free?
          	  You know what I mean?
          	  Not only that, but the books they advertise...are never my interest so again...why would I pay for it?
          	  And there's a loophole to bypass the ads for mobile. You have to close the app and reopen it again and it won't play the ad-
          	  So yeah...why would one waste money when there's so many FREE options already.
          	  For computer it's even better. Yes you still get ads that pop up right in the middle of what your reading, but you can close it out and it disappears- Or just scroll by it-
          	  So yeah it's for sure a waste of money. I'd rather be cheap and free than waste money for....very little...


Thank you for the follow!! I'm actually making a book of my own and I suggest you check it out, but you don't have to. If you like fantasy or romance, then that'd be a great book for you! And I know that you like dragons bc of Toothless, so I have a slight feeling you'll like Quarts. Have a good day/night, and LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!


@AmethystLibriaJewel ummmm...I am so sorry I haven't said anything sooner, but I actually don't know what r4r means bc I have -2 IQ. Let's just say I've been busy with cooking with my family...


@AmethystLibriaJewel I would do a r4r on it if u know what that is and interested :) it sounds right up my alley of book genre lol


Hi, I'm interested in a rfr ^-^


@StormieBlogger “Spirit’s Journey” With the cheetah on the cover


@StormieBlogger lovely book cover. Since your book is so long this will be a long-term r4r. Please do not ghost me during it. I have a 70ish chapter novel I’d like you to read in exchange. I wrote it when I was 11 so it’s kind of cringe but if need be u can just put random comments like wow, love it, cool, ect. lol. 
            On that note, I will not be able to begin until Thursday bcz I have work. Each week, I read Thursday to Sunday. Then I stop for 3 days to focus on work and writing. :) just a heads up. 


I read your book Angel dog and yes. I do find it interesting. I will read more chapters. So far it's a sad but sweet story. 


@randomslasher haha thank you. I wanna find out more. 


@randomslasher Thank you! You only have to read up to chapter 13 tho, and please don’t forget about commenting and voting as u read ❤️❤️I’m doing the same for urs! :)


I’m interested to do a r4r and etc 


@__its_yaya_ lol yeah!!! Well if I don’t see any notifs by then I’ll hit u up on Thursday lol!


@Spiritsx right right right. I should def do that cause the amount of people that I forget to do is outrageous T-T


@__its_yaya_ It helps to create a library labeled “books Im r4ring) to not lose track of people’s book u haven’t finished :) I’ll try to remind u tmrw but I’m mostly afk the next 3 days for work


Hi, wanna do a f4f and r4r?


@FloraDickens okay I'll start reading that book.


@FloraDickens in return, please read 13 parts of “Angel on Earth” The Pitbull dog book for me


@FloraDickens I usually write 2-4 comments on each chapter but, if u write at least one on each part then that’s fine w me :) I added ur book and will begin reading today or tmrw! 


Hello can we do read for read and vote for vote.


@randomslasher okay. Apart from the “I will watch it” I think I understand what ur saying . But the watch it part made no sense to me lol


@randomslasher hahah I don't ghost people. They ghost people. I'm very informative. If I have a problem I will inform you immediately. I will watch it.


@randomslasher please r4r the first 15 chapters of the book called “Angel Dog” w a Pitbull on the cover