
          	The Player, 2B, and EVE sitting together and watching a sunset from a high elevation as the Player explains the complexity of being human and finding purpose in a never-ending cycle of failure and hardship.
          	Searching for happiness in the pursuit of purpose and questioning if it's all worth the suffering.
          	Happiness in small moments of an endless void of darkness - moments like sitting together and enjoying a sunset after a long day of battling machines and monsters for survival.
          	The reason for existing is finding out if it was all worth fighting for after making those moments.
          	To laugh
          	To smile
          	To experience
          	To understand
          	Is the pain worth it?
          	For a chance to be with you? For a chance to see you happy and to do it all again on another day?
          	It's worth it.
          	You are worth it.


@Spitfire94 np, but really makes It better with 2B and EVE


@Elasurk Ngl, I'm happy you think so. I didn't think anyone would respond to it after they read it XD


          The Player, 2B, and EVE sitting together and watching a sunset from a high elevation as the Player explains the complexity of being human and finding purpose in a never-ending cycle of failure and hardship.
          Searching for happiness in the pursuit of purpose and questioning if it's all worth the suffering.
          Happiness in small moments of an endless void of darkness - moments like sitting together and enjoying a sunset after a long day of battling machines and monsters for survival.
          The reason for existing is finding out if it was all worth fighting for after making those moments.
          To laugh
          To smile
          To experience
          To understand
          Is the pain worth it?
          For a chance to be with you? For a chance to see you happy and to do it all again on another day?
          It's worth it.
          You are worth it.


@Spitfire94 np, but really makes It better with 2B and EVE


@Elasurk Ngl, I'm happy you think so. I didn't think anyone would respond to it after they read it XD


The Player, Filia, and Squigly meet Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness, and Megumin
          Just think of the chaos lmfao


@Spitfire94 The city would burn, poisoned water supplies, and probably them all fighting and making it rather comical lol


@Spitfire94 now that's something you don't want in the same room


@Forgotten_Conductor Me, personally, there's nothing wrong with being inspired and taking some cues, but for this instance, there were dangerous similarities with the dialgoue, character mannerisms, dynamics, setup, with minor differences at which point it was no longer being inspired, it was copied. 
          I actually talked to the writer who did it. He approached me, actually. So that was interesting. 


Hmmm... I don't want to jump to conclusions or anything, but I think I came across a Skullgirls story that seemed mighty similar to my own in some instances.
          The parallels are almost 1 for 1 with certain interactions, like there was a scene where the main character stopped Riccardo from preying on Filia and even had similar exchanges with Filia and later on when they met Samson. 


@Spitfire94 wow. Good for him admitting he was in the wrong for doing it. Honestly don't see too much of that now


@Spitfire94 he approached you? Weird of me to ask but, what did he say?


@Spitfire94 Sorry to hear that, I can only imagine how that feels. I never get when people do that, I would feel lazy just copying text. Truth be told the first few stories in my series were heavily inspired by another series so I kinda feel like I copied him to an extent, but he doesn't seem to mind, or at least he never told me he had problems with it... I think I gave it enough difference to make it its own thing, but took ideas he did. Complex feelings... yay


Even bigger development, one of my favorite artists from the Skullgirls community, specifically my top favorite, has given me permission to use his art as the design basis for several characters in the upcoming chapters, beyo d 21 and 21, and he may even consider giving the story a read.
          I don't want to give a name yet because if you look into him now, you'll see some potential spoilers, and I want all of that to be a surprise.
          I owe it to AndrewAssassins for helping me get beyond my social inferiority and giving me the idea to approach the artist and see if we could help each other.
          When you find out who the artist is, and that reveal will come when the time is right, consider supporting them on social media if you can.
          Things just get better and better. I'm not used to good things happening to me XD


@ Spitfire94  first time someone crédits me for Something lol


this message may be offensive
That’s a big W, bro. Goat shit, it’s only up from here ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


Quick update: Chapter 21 is about 85% done.
          The format of this chapter takes place across 4 days and is broken down into sections. I just have to finish up a few more interactions, polish a few fights, check for typos, and we're good.
          Just a reminder, chapter 21 is a slice of life focused chapter so that we can unwind from all the action in chapter 20.
          Good God, there is so much that I want to do... I'm writing this as I'm going over all the ideas in my head, but I think the thing I'm most excited about is having you read this event that'll change everything, lol
          A lot happens in this chapter. There are a lot of laughs, a lot of fun, and overall, it's just a good time. I can't wait to get it out to you.
          On another side note, I'm planning on releasing the chapter as a "double feature" with the last omake, which will be longer than all the others and will pretty much be like a mini-chapter to close out all the chaos. 
          Thanks for your patience. Love and appreciate you guys!


@Spitfire94 A two for one deal, awesome! Honestly so excited to see this, it'll be nice to have a slower fun chapter before stuff really ramps up. They saw good things come to those who wait after all


@Spitfire94 well, i kinda want more something chill and that, i want to see player and other Girls interactions and specially the omake