
Hi gurl. I love your story the marauders: moony. I have a question. I would like to share your story with Czech readers. That is why I ask. I could translate your story into Czech. Of course I will not pretend to be my all rights will belong to you.Hi i love this story. Its beautiful. I have a question. I would like to share your story with Czech readers. That is why I ask. I could translate your story into Czech. Of course I will not pretend to be my all rights will belong to you.


I have read your fanfic Marauders: Padfoot and I just wanted to say that it was such a beautiful story and I loved it so much. It was so perfect and written amazingly that it couldn’t get better in any way possible and I guess like the old saying, opposites so attract. I thank you ever so much for writing this story and I will never regret reading it 


I love your Padfoot story! I'm reading it again for the second time :P Currently writing my own Sirius Black story if you ever want some new stuff to read :) AND we're both British! Fun :D  


Thank you!!! (Sorry for the delay! I don’t get notifications for posts on my message board and I always forget to check :( ) 


Hi there ,I just found your story today it's really very interesting and believe me I completed it in a single go all 38 chapters at a stretch personally , I love happy ending and your story's ending is just perfect I really enjoyed reading it so thought to let you know that . congratulations for your marauder:padfoot and goodluck  on your upcoming stories:) if you like check out my work"always there for you" it's a Harry Potter love story I hope you will like it:):) bye


Wow thank you so much! Comments like yours (although I rarely get them) really make my day!! And I'd love to check out your story! (: 