
At last, concluded "Love Fritters," the heartwarming love story of Sonali and Mukesh (Aai and Baba). I hope you all adored them as much as I do, particularly Mukesh, who was 99% inspired by my dad.
          	Here's the link to the short story-


          I read your story A loan of five rupees in 2018 I guess and I loved it. From then I looked forward to reading Xavier's and Alisha's story. When I got notification that you are back after so many years I was delighted but knowing Xavier and Subhadra have separated was heartbreaking, as with only a few glimpses of their marriage I have loved them. I understand that what she has done is very difficult cause leaving him had caused her so much pain but  she did so that Xav would not settle for less. I don't know but I always feel that what she did was incomparable but I am just not able to digest that her mention or appearance hurts Xav, he is not able to understand her sacrifice. Also I don't know, I feel Xavier and Subhadra should have been together at last; I don't know but reading Xavier's story hurt me I am not able to love Krithika, I just feel Subhadra deserves better at least for her sacrifices she does not deserve to be seen as a villain in Xav's eyes. Also I feel in this whole drama Shubhadra has endured more pain than anyone else, I just hope if you could write some alternate story for Xav and Subhadra and if not then at least Subhadra's story even short story would do, I just want to see her happy ending.


@12ashu34 I would try to do from the next drafting chapters... I hope you are asking for Jagdish-Nishi story, Xavier's story is about engineering theorem's mostly.. right now I am drafting 71st chapter ig, I'll surely try to include meaning. Thanks for the suggestions 


I understand that they are not villains to each other it's just them not being together hurts :(
            But I understand that two people do not always end up together. Yeah, Satya's story is going to be painful too and I would patiently wait for Subhadra's even if it takes years.
            Thank you for replying, it means a lot as Subhadra was there in my mind for a very long time.
            Also if you could add the meaning of your chapter titles at the end...I don't get it on the net every time.


@12ashu34 also talking about Subhadra's story, I haven't decided yet about writing her story as I am able to decipher her emotions to well and they make me cry. And it's tough for me to focus on writing when I cry and have migraine lol. May be coming years I might think about it but right now I am not ready to write about her. Already I am carrying enough pain while thinking about Satya's story, I don't want one more female lead's pain.


Alsoooo... I am a bit disappointed that not a single reader is commenting on my stories  I can see you guys reading and voting, start commenting as well, I love to talk to you guys 
          I started writing with the hope to make people talk about rubbish which I like as well, and here you guys are just reading silently, what is this behaviour haaaan!?


You're welcome ❤️❤️


@SmrithiKodancha Yes, I have seen your votes. Thanks for voting as well 


@thelivelytruth Same here,I've always been a silent reader


Hello everyone!
          I have observed the publishing of the past few chapters from 'The Chronicles Of My Darling Husband' not been notified to anyone. I have no clue why, so here I am notifying all my followers that I am in a writing spree and might be updating multiple chapters a day depending on my mood and free-time. (P.S. I am just back from my vacation and my home is in haywire mode, unpacking is such a shitty job.)
          Also, I will be slowing down writing my other books, reason being my focus on completing the Jagdish-Nishita story as soon as possible... My goal is by July end, so the Satya's or the Alisha's story will be updated occasionally.
          Btw, I am working on a fantasy (Indian) story as well, right now working on the character sketches, maps, plotlines and stuff like that. It will be political/thriller zoned, with brutal war and steamy romances. There are almost 40-60 characters so far detailed and my head is a bit spinning with so much info, so I'll try to start a book with details about just the kingdoms and characters related to the specific kingdom; reason- it would be easier for me to write story without writing in detail about who's who and what the kingdom is all about.


@Suganthii I guess that's what friends always do haha.


And about the fantasy story... I on AI for too long creating characters and scene, my husband keeps checking my phone and is like are you writing or just using AI full time xD funny guy... But AI really is helping me alot with few things and I got to learn about a site where I can make maps and oh god I was so invested for a week... I was making random maps, sending my frns.. and they being they, hyping me like anything lol xD


For anyone, who's reading "Chronicles Of My Darling Husband", extremely sorry for the accidental notification. I was scheduling my updates and like a stupid published 42nd chapter! Anyhow, I have retrieved it and hopefully, you aren't able to read it. Sorry :(


@12ashu34 Haha... it would have a spoiler XD


@Suganthii I didn't....but wish I could ;)



@Suganthii yes... This story is part of the series.. like it's the first book because of the date and time when it is happening... But other stories do have started on their own time lines.. like a loan of five rupees has started in 2010, nawab tigress has also started almost at same time and you'll see that Xav and Subhadra plot have also started... But because the love story and final theme is going to be in some particular order, this book comes before other books... Then a loan of five rupees then nawab's tigress, then not a simple engineer boy and at last Satya's story... You can read all book individually as well except for last book which is Satya's.. for that you need to read Xav's story first 


Like the loan of 5 rupees, and other 2 book?


@Suganthii hey!  Hope you are doing well 
            Just wanted to ask that , The Chronicles of my darling Husband is linked to the other books too?


I am feeling happy and sad, both, at the same time.
          Finally, wrapped up one of my heart's pieces- Not A Simple Engineer Boy!
          I have completed my first editing, following up again with a second detailed editing (Just rephrasing and grammar check to give a better reading experience, so nothing new) which will take a good amount of time.
          So, you guys can read now without waiting for a new chapter or anything like that.

          Also, I have started with my new book, the first in the series: Destined To Be.
          Give it a try, your favorite characters will be there as well ;)


@Suganthii Aww I'm going to miss xav and his kanmani so hardd T-T


          Finally, done editing "A Loan Of Five Rupees" and "Slivers Of Silver"
          Gosh, my back aches like anything and I am going to take a break from editing for the next week.
          Oh, don't worry, I am going to continue writing "Not A Simple Engineer Boy!", as I have set my mind to wrap it up by April end. So, stay tuned!
          Also, do check my profile, there's a surprise waiting for you!
          I have planned so much, hope I keep up my promises, hehe XD