
          	The Bridge to Nihon has 50K READS !!!!
          	Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, everyone!! You are THE BEST!!!


@bemcubal thank you!! And thank you so much for taking the time to message me!! ❤


@Sunken_City I just finished The Bridge to Nihon today. I'm onto Book Two. You write amazingly! 


@Sunken_City Yeah, go for it! You‘d totally deserve it.


Omg hope u read this I am a big fan of your work ur honestly one of the reasons I haven't yet deleted this app reading your work motivates me as a writer to the point I started writing my first chapter comes out tomorrow and it will mean the world to me if you could give me your thoughts on the chapter anyway I love ur work keep breaking barriers because ur honestly the G.O.A.T


Omg hope u read this I am a big fan of your work ur honestly one of the reasons I haven't yet deleted this app reading your work motivates me as a writer to the point I started writing my first chapter comes out tomorrow and it will mean the world to me if you could give me your thoughts on the chapter anyway I love ur work keep breaking barriers because ur honestly the G.O.A.T


I love your world of Nihon, I’ve deleted like twenty sentences of me trying to explain why it is so amazing to me but I don’t have to explain it, anyone reading the three books can see for themselves just how amazing the world you create is. Thank you so much for the wonderful hours I’ve spent immersed in your world, I hope to spend more time there soon!


@Onigomma Thank you so so much!! What a lovely message! I'll see to it that you can soon spend more time in Nihon :)


Hello! I just wanted to say I absolutely LOVED reading all of the Nihon books. They were incredible! So much detail was put into describing the characters and setting, and the plot was so well laid out. I enjoyed every moment of it! You are an amazing writer, don't ever stop! <33


no problem! I know from experience when writing book positive comments help a lot! and I meant it all <333 I aspire my book to be like yours! :D


@PippaforPresident thank you so much for your lovely comment!! I hope to finish Book Three very soon & messages like yours are a great motivation ❤❤


Down by the river, 
          I met a girl who skin was blue. 
          She was lean and slim
          with a mop of sliver hair,
          but she had gils to!
          She called herself Orí
          and scowled at the thought of drowning;
          She’d said she’d need no saving
          and when I looked at her, she was frowning. 
          Aunt Sybil had warned me not to talk
          to people from the other side. 
          They beheld magic in them,
          so they must have always lied. 
          I took no heed to her warning
          met up with Orí everyday
          until the shadow-men took her
          and I found myself across the way. 
          After a couple of instances, 
          I fell in with a woman and a man. 
          They took me under their wing,
          told me I could do all the things they can. 
          A little ways into our journey, 
          the shadow men came for me
          this was when I parted ways 
          to go and save Orí. 
          I arrived at a place
          the people called the School;
          the stature lead me to the library 
          it looked so cool!
          Soon, I met the Headmistress 
          who I told about my friend 
          she sat still for a moment 
          then, told me this would be my end. 
          The statues gathered me up
          and dragged me to a Lady of Shazar,
          the Headmistress said I’d been deceived
          then I was thrown behind bars. 
          I’d come face to face with Orí,
          so soon again,
          this time no curiosity 
          just confusion and bane. 
          Next to her stood a woman called Mother. 
          She didn’t look to nice. 
          Although lovely and maternal,
          her smile was like ice. 
          And Orí was what Aunt Sybil had said,
          simply filled with lies. 
          She’d changed into a mini version of Mother,
          and faked out friendship under a deceitful guise. 
          my head was thinking about the story and so in a moments notice I wrote it and decided to share it with u Author :) I hope u are doing well


@thejaymaster55  oh wow - how could I have missed this!! It is wonderful and sums up the first novel perfectly! And from Sofia's perspective too... wow, I just love it!
            Thank you!