
Supers Assemble! 
          	Are you ready for the next #QuestionOfTheWeek? 
          	Which superhero/ supervillain do you think has the most interesting backstory? 
          	Let us know your answers in the comments below!


          	  I loved the way you explained his backstory *laughing emoji*


@Super-Community Loki from the MCU. He was a corrupted little boy with a thirst for power and attention, but turned into a slightly less corrupted man with good (ish) morals. But for some strange reason, he decided it was a good idea to fall in love with himself.


Supers Assemble! 
          Are you ready for the next #QuestionOfTheWeek? 
          Which superhero/ supervillain do you think has the most interesting backstory? 
          Let us know your answers in the comments below!


            I loved the way you explained his backstory *laughing emoji*


@Super-Community Loki from the MCU. He was a corrupted little boy with a thirst for power and attention, but turned into a slightly less corrupted man with good (ish) morals. But for some strange reason, he decided it was a good idea to fall in love with himself.


Supers, Assemble!
          Due to some changes, we are no longer part of or affiliated with the ambassadors, Wattpad, or its people. 
          Our profile has been renamed from superhero to @Super-Community, and will continue to be run under the current leadership as a community profile free from ties to the ambassadors. 
          Our profile will continue as before with the changes and we hope to bring you more creative and fun activities in the future. 
          We look forward to building our profile with your support. 
          Superhero Team


Wattpad seems to be removing their affiliations from all of the genre accounts. It’s disappointing because me and my friends have made great memories thanks to the  genre accounts. But no worries, we will continue to support you! 


@MiaKurenai_2009 why are they all removing their affiliation?


            Affiliated or not, we will continue supporting you ❤️


Hi , everyone! 
          Drumroll, please! We're thrilled to reveal the winners of 'Reclaim Your Fandoms' contest!
          We have two winners!
          Let's give a huge round of applause to both @Ravenwood666may and @TwilightSiren for their incredible entries! 
          Ravenwood666may wowed us with their story for the @WattpadFairytales & @FandomHype prompt. You can find it here:
          TwilightSiren enchanted us with their submission for the @WattpadKDramas prompt; you can find it here:
          A massive thank you to all who participated. Your entries were phenomenal! Winners, expect a message from us soon about your well-deserved prizes. Keep celebrating your fandoms with us!


Hey Supers!
          Ready for the next #QuestionOfTheWeek?
          Which superhero team is your favorite and why?
          Let us know your answers in the comments below!


Batman, robin and Alfred. Batman is my favorite superhero. He’s smart, handsome and can plan for anything! Robin and Batman dynamic (most of the time) is sooooo nice, I like all of the robins, they all displayed a certain trait, it’s quit charming. But Alfred ALFRED IS THE IMMORTAL LEGEND


@superhero Fantastic Four, This Marvel team consists of Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing, known for their explorations and adventures in the Marvel Universe.


@superhero I was about to answer Batman because he has amazing detective skills, knows how to act in various situations, and... is good looking. But team ... Batman and Alfred? 8)


Hey Supers!
          It's time for the next #QuestionOfTheWeek!
          This time it's about a Marvel character! 
          Whose power "exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme?"
          Let us know your answers in the comments below!


@superhero In the Marvel Universe, few characters possess power that exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme, who is typically Doctor Strange. One such character is the entity known as Dormammu. Dormammu is a powerful mystical being and a ruler of the Dark Dimension. He is considered a formidable force in the magical realm and often poses a significant challenge even for characters as powerful as Doctor Strange. Dormammu's mastery over dark magic and his status as a cosmic entity make him one of the most formidable adversaries in the Marvel mystical landscape.


@ TisSupergirl  agree


@ superhero  Gia'h  


Hello Supers!
          Ready for the next #QuestionOfTheWeek? 
          Tell us about that one Superhero or Supervillain fight you want to see animated or on the big screen?
          Let us know your answers in the comments below!


@superhero I've always fantasized about witnessing an epic clash between two iconic superheroes, Superman and Thor. Picture this: the God of Thunder's mighty Mjolnir colliding with the Man of Steel's powerful punches, each strike sending shockwaves across the cinematic landscape. The clash of these two titans, one hailing from Asgard and the other from Krypton, would not only be a visual spectacle but a battle of raw power and contrasting abilities. Imagine the thunderous roars of Thor's storms resonating against Superman's sonic booms—a showdown that would undoubtedly captivate audiences and leave an indelible mark on superhero cinematic history.


Well, it‘s probably not a fight more of a fun interaction and argument that eventually will lead to a fight. It‘s the Winter Soldier and Loki


Hey Supers!
          Here is today's Question of the Week; What is your sweetest memory from 2023?
          Let us know your answer in the comments below! 


@superhero One of the sweetest memories from 2023 was the surprise birthday celebration my friends organized for me. They gathered at my favorite place, decorated it with balloons and streamers, and even managed to invite some of my closest family members whom I hadn't seen in a while. The joy of being surrounded by loved ones, the laughter, and the heartfelt wishes made it a truly unforgettable and sweet moment that I'll cherish for years to come.


I signed as a witness to my baby brother marrying the love of his life! He was visiting from the military and asked a family friend (a Father) to officiate their marriage. It was very relaxed and cute and… sweet, lol


Hello Supers!
          Here's the last Question of the Week for year 2023; Looking back over this year, what do you want to let go of?


@superhero As I look back on 2023, I want to let go of any lingering self-doubt and perfectionism that might have held me back. It's time to release the fear of making mistakes and embrace the idea that growth often comes from challenges and learning experiences. Letting go of these limiting beliefs will open up space for more creativity, self-discovery, and a healthier mindset in the coming year.


@superhero Clutter is a big thing I need to get rid of in my family's house!


Hello Supers!
          Here is today's Question of the Week; Who is your favourite superhero comic artist?
          Let us know your answers in the comments below!


@superhero John Byrne, he's a legend for me.


@superhero One of the favorite superhero comic artists of all time is Jack Kirby, renowned for his iconic contributions to the comic book industry.


Hey Supers!
          "I Believe There's A Hero In All Of Us That Keeps Us Honest..."
          A new month means a new contest. So what do you say? Blast on over to our contest book, where you'll find the contest of the Month which is a collab between your favourite fandoms. More details can be found here;
          Deadline for submissions: December 31st, 2023 23:59 PM EST