
If Wattpad put half as much effort into creating new features as they do removing existing features…


hi, would you like to submit your book(s) for the harry potter fanfiction award? here’s the link:


Thanks for thinking of me. Sadly, I’ve learnt the hard way that winning awards doesn’t get anyone other than contest judges to read my book. It’s too original for HP fic readers on Wattpad, who for the most part just want to read Harry/Hermione/Draco smut lol.


After a writing break, I finished the first chapter of something new and original today. Honestly not sure how I feel about it. I've been thinking about trying my hand at a "Wattpad Romance" just to see what happens, but what I ended up writing is frankly depressing as F. Maybe that's a little too telling lol...? It was cathartic, though. Would you ever read a Romance that starts off with an imperfect character who's in a pretty dark place, or do characters in the genre typically need to be beautiful and/or optimistic?


@SaintlyScarlet Advice from an expert! Maybe I will give it a go. 


@ TEZofAllTrades  ok, I'm curious 


I think I've finally learnt to manage my disappointment about low engagement levels. It hurts when you finish a project and no one really cares, but there are reasons for it, especially on Wattpad. That said, I do need to do some thinking and reflect on my writing journey so far. So, I'll be taking some time to consider what direction to take with my next story and build up a backlog for whatever that might be. As much as I like writing what I write, it's time to try something (at least a little bit) more mainstream. Wish me luck!


@TEZofAllTrades I wish you good luck and hope for the continuation of where you left Sailor Moon A Silver Legacy.


@DDub707 I think that’s true. I like my writing, but I need to find an overlap with what I like to write and what readers like to read.


@TEZofAllTrades I understand that feel bro, sometimes I wonder why I'm even posting and then I realize it's because a) I love my story and b) I want it to be somewhere it could get noticed someday. I think a problem with Wattpad is that there are far more writers than there are readers, and the writers (myself included) are more invested in their own stories rather than the stories of others. It's sad but it's true. 


I always end up taking a break between projects when I should be pressing ahead with building a backlog for the next one. How do you combat procrastination?


@AmethystandEmma That's good advice. How ever much you write, it's that much more than the day before. I need to buckle down. I just keep getting distracted with all the marketing I have to do for my stories, instead of writing them. No one warns you about all the admin involved lol. It would be so much easier if I just wrote something basic and derivative ha!


I force myself to write at least a sentence a day, that way I am always making progress no matter what. If I feel like writing more, I’ll write more, but I always write at least one.