
Hey Guys, 
          	Next chapter of Forbidden Love is up! I'm sorry for vanishing for such a long time, but I hope you enjoy. I'm hoping to get a few chapters out soon. 
          	Until next time, 


@TheFutureMrsDragneel Just wondering, are you planning to continue any stories on archive? 


Hey Readers.  
          If you're searching for a new Jellal Fairy tail Fanfiction give it a read. I tried very hard to make it worth reading. Will you guys read my book and tell me how it is? 
          Please do comment and vote. And let me know if you have any suggestions you may have. 
          I will really appreciate the help. Thank you❤️❤️
          Author, I'm Extremely sorry for posting on your wall without permission. 


Hey Guys, 
          Next chapter of Forbidden Love is up! I'm sorry for vanishing for such a long time, but I hope you enjoy. I'm hoping to get a few chapters out soon. 
          Until next time, 


@TheFutureMrsDragneel Just wondering, are you planning to continue any stories on archive? 


Hi would you like to write one of my story ideas 


@TheFutureMrsDragneel anyone u know who'd be interested


            I’m honoured you asked. However it takes a while for me to work through stories and I’m afraid you would be very disappointed at the time it takes me to write. I’ll be happy to hear your idea though and if I even do decide to write it I’ll make sure to let you know. 


Hi! I really really like your stories! I hope you create one with Natsu and Gray hehehe.


Aw. Thank you! I have a Natsu story idea. I just have to watch the latest episodes to make sure I can link it with the main plot better. I don’t know about Gray, I can’t come up with an idea that not Cliche. 


Hey guys, 
          I don't even want to think about how long it has been. 
          With the world as hectic as it is and isolation, I have decided to upload another story. 
          Going by my coming soon stories (yes, both of them), I am going to upload my Sting X Reader (which won by one extra view!). If we are in isolation for a while I might have time for more. I cannot promise the chapter uploads will be consistent, but I have a 2000 word minimum on every chapter I write. 
          I am looking for inspiration for each character and I may veer off into other anime's. So more may be coming to my coming soon story.
          I will upload the prologue shortly. 
          Until next time, 


@TheFutureMrsDragneel looking forward to your future works, author-chan!! i miss reading your works!! ♡


Hey guys,
          This is not a promise for an update but a large thank you from me to you. And by you I mean every one of my followers, my readers, my voters. All of you. 
          THANK YOU. 
          It may not seem like a lot but my hectic life doesn’t give me a break and every comment or every vote on each of my stories makes my day. And I really appreciate that you took your time to read them. 
          So, again, thank you. 
          Until next time,


Thank YOU for bringing so much to the table (of deprived readers) every single time. Keep up the amazing work, we love you and your works so much!