
It's official.
          	I've unpublished my previous blog book Flowers and Rain. (':
          	- WB


The quote in your About reminds me a lot abt You've Got Mail. 
          Have you seen it? It's my all time favourite


@nubivagant_words I haven't yet but I've had it downloaded on my laptop for a good while now. I think it's just all the hype that keeps making me hesitant. I'm going to get to it, eventually.


          I just wanted to drop by and say that I have decided to delete my blog book Flowers & Rain by the end of this month. It's an end, but not the end.
          I have uploaded the last blog post on the book. If you're a reader of the book, please head over to it and read the update. Just so that you can know what's going on and what's to come after this.
          Thank you for being a part of it until now. I am forever grateful that I had a space to share glimpses from my life and connect with you in ways that maybe other places wouldn't have made possible. It is unique in its own right. But more than that, it has been a comforting space to come back to every time. And I have felt really thankful to have something like that and share it with you.
          I hope we can continue to do that.
          - WB


@DreamingCrooked Haha yes. Thank you so much. <3
            I am good too. Holding up well. (:


@WriterBells That’s a relief :) Your work is awesome:) I’m good. How are you?? 


@DreamingCrooked Hey. I hope you're doing good. Thanks for the advice. But I guess it's a mistake on my part to not have clarified that when I said the word 'delete', I didn't mean delete it off of the app. I simply meant I will be unpublishing/taking down the book permanently. I never really delete any of my works. I never could really, the memories I made are too precious. All of my older books from 2015-16 are also still very much in my drafts even though they're no longer available to read for anyone else.
            I still appreciate you taking time to respond. And thank you for reading my books. I know Wattpad isn't the same for everyone and not many people are on here anymore to be able to read what I'm writing (and I'm okay with that), but I'm still thankful that you read my works at one point. Once again, I hope you're doing good. Have a nice day!


I stopped writing for some years now but every once in a while I come back to re-read some of the stuff I wrote (and definitely cringe at it). What I do remember fondly is our conversations though <3 I hope you're doing well love!


@WriterBells haha yeah I lurk every once in a while! You'll definitely be the first to know if I ever decide to write something fun again <3


@Clover Hey. Haha, yes it really has been a while. I hope you're doing great too! Looking back at things we used to write here is definitely both a bittersweet yet absolute crjnge-fest moment. I still love what you wrote though. Nice seeing you around here again. <3


beyond the blue ocean
          is there anything i want to find?
          why do we always
          regret later after we miss each other?
          in that sun,
          is there anything i want?
          why do i always
          miss you who are happy already?
          - by my side (taeyeon//our blues ost)