Well, so I have finally been able to announce and open a new request page for the Twice One shot book.
          	For the moment, I'll update whenever I can, I'll try to avoid making you all wait. I think it's been enough for this hiatus, I should start working back again to return all the support you all have shown me.
          	Thank you as always, and I hope we can continue enjoying together. Drop your request on the book without any worry, sooner or later I'll try to work on it.
          	See you all soon,


@ZAKY14 are you still active?


Well, so I have finally been able to announce and open a new request page for the Twice One shot book.
          For the moment, I'll update whenever I can, I'll try to avoid making you all wait. I think it's been enough for this hiatus, I should start working back again to return all the support you all have shown me.
          Thank you as always, and I hope we can continue enjoying together. Drop your request on the book without any worry, sooner or later I'll try to work on it.
          See you all soon,


@ZAKY14 are you still active?


How you doing readers? I hope you are doing great! I'm still creatively blocked, but I'm doing multiple stuff to inspire myself and go back to writing.
          I'm writing in a little something that hopefully will be out soon! So I hope to know about you all as well and have fun together.
          (Ah, I can't wait for Nayeon's solo!!!!)


Everyone I'm sorry for not being active but I've written a bunch of books and my brain is like "0 capacity to create stories". So if any of you left plots or ideas, I would be thankful.
          And sorry, I want to be the ZAKY you all know. I'll work hard on that!


@ZAKY14 I've got a few plots that I don't have time to write so maybe we could collab?


@ZAKY14 pls continue the twice oneshot book plsplspls


Authornim you doing good?


@ZAKY14 ok ok , totally understand you. Also great stories :)


@ 641_name  yes yes!! Thank you for worrying :) its just I don't feel inspired lately, I'm lacking of ideas haha


Hello author-nim i just want to ask how do you got your ideas for you stories
          Cuz i just started to write like 30 minutes ago and i'am very nervous for my story because people may not like it, and i want to suggest you my story it is called "the moon is beautiful isn't it" thank you author-nim


@ Mm_sana  hey there! I usually get inspired by stuff I watch (movies) or whatever surrounds me. I think it would be a good idea to start with a simple plot and focused on something you know a lot of :) so I suggest you to write about whatever that surrounds you! And I'll surely check it out! 


Hey hello!!! How are you doing? I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to ask whether the requests on itzy oneshots is still open or not..
          Ps:- Re reading 'pale' to find motivation nowadays


@ CedricJackson014  Hey there~ it's still open though I don't promise to write it soon sorry haha, at the moment I'm focusing on writing the next full book. And thank you so much for re reading "PALE"! I hope you still enjoy it as the first time :) 