
Merry Christmas!!!
          	Thanks for sticking with me this year and I hope you all get what you wished for. For those who don't celebrate Christmas I hope you're having a happy holiday regardless.
          	Hopefully I'll be back to writing come new year's but we'll see.
          	Have a great day guys!


@ _KingWolfie_  Merry Christmas 


this message may be offensive
Holy shit aurthor sorry for spamming but I was just checking ur account and u made “ghosts I am not paid enough” I read that book like 3 times on my old account and now that I know it the author I am giving u a follow  


Bro I have a rquest of a fanfic 
          Did you watch danganronpa if so 
          Can you make a what if of naruto and sasuke were been teleported in the world of danganronpa 2 as dual protagonist
          The story is that in the final valley both naruto and sasuke clash there signature attack 
          Which is the chiduri and rasengun
          But in the middle of there clashing there were teleported to another dimension which is the danganronpa 2 verse


Merry Christmas!!!
          Thanks for sticking with me this year and I hope you all get what you wished for. For those who don't celebrate Christmas I hope you're having a happy holiday regardless.
          Hopefully I'll be back to writing come new year's but we'll see.
          Have a great day guys!


@ _KingWolfie_  Merry Christmas 


Hey author, it's just my thoughts or wish that can you write oc/yn in Naruto Verse. The paring oc/yn with Kakashi hatake i mean he's good but his character can be more be interesting if try. And another pair will be sasuhina and narion. Just thought what you say??