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@_arieswrts_  this time it was visible, earlier it wasn't


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@_arieswrts_  this time it was visible, earlier it wasn't


Heyaa, I hope you're doing well. 
          If you love to read cute romantic story with a tinge of mischief and banters please give a try to my book "Falling For Her". The book is completed and I hope it won't disappoint you and you'll enjoy reading it !! 
          Thank you and sorry if I disturbed you but please do give it a read whenever you're free !! 


Hello guys❤️.... 
          I have news for you all... Umm I have started writing a new multicouple book which has totally different story from the Rawal Brides.
          Do you all want me to post the must author note and story description for you all to know better??? DP REPLY
          It's more exciting, with better English and grammar also with more mature and sensitive topics.
          So it will be coming on Wattpad from Mid July or August, but ...but ...but.
          I have decided to start posting it on Scrollstack because this book is better multicouple book than Rawal brides.
          And the prices will be again very minimum rupees 10-15 rupees but for chapter with mature and explicit content the amount may rise between 15-25 according to readers response.
          Its not necessary for everyone to buy, you can keep patience and wait till August because till that time I may complete 2-3 free books on Wattpad.
          But if you want to read you all can go and check scrollstack after I make the announcement that I have posted.