
Guess who rose from the dead and is writing again? 
          	Hope everyone's doing well 


Hey! I am hosting this Smooch Awards, and there are some slots empty for Jung Hoseok Category that I did like you to participate in. 
          This awards is a friendly and safe place that offers an opportunity which helps writers to grow by getting an accurately analysed criticism by some expert reviewers and also becomes the platform to share your work.
          You did get a chance to know your potential in writing so don't let this chance slip away. Join us today!


Hi! I actually just completed reading Strong, and was wishing to read the sequel to it but I am not able to find the book. Have you kinda unpublished the book for sometime?


@The_Clumsy_Koala hey I'm sorry I haven't finished it yet 


Say goodbye to my old @_jjazzzyy and Say hello to @ensolleildelune! I have discovered a few things during this quarantine and I felt like it's time to say goodbye to my old self. It's time for me to face the future bravely and ofc, strive for more self-improvement. 
          I'm really looking forward to writing for you guys again!


@theofficialkela i wih you all the best and luck! The journey to freeing one's self isn't easy, I hope we both get there soon 


@_ensolleildelune Hello!! I'm glad you're being brave. I need to let go of my past and face the future too. I've been working on it.


Good afternoon/Evening/Morning  everyone! I'm planning on finishing AESTHETIC soon so watch out for that, AESTHETIC is going out with a bang! 
          I'm here to announce what I'll be finishing/writing 
          1. AESTHETIC- Kim SeokJin
          2. Somewhere in Neverland- Park Jimin: The sequel to STRONG and it's about what happened after Jimin's soulmate mark disappeared
          4.  A new Jungkook Fanfic that I'm excited about
          5. Love, Luna-an original thrill about a girl and her mother
          so that's that for now, I'm excited to be wrting again ! Watch out for updates, like? subscribe? just kidding, votes and comments are really apprecited, maybe a follow as well
          love you humans!


Hello hello everyone! Hello to my Filipino followers and/or readers. I am a fellow Filipino citizen and I live in Batangas.
          As you all know, Batangas holds one of the smallest, unique and most dangerous volcanoes in the Philippines. The Taal Volcano.
          It's 2 am, it's been quiet so far. But today is hectic.
          The day started of pretty normally, bright sunny day and then it's 2:30 in the afternoon right? Apparently the volcano started spewing out ash. I didn't know because I live in Batangas city and that's still slightly far.
          We only found out when I was somewhere else and my younger cousin say "Nalindol" (Trans. The earth is shaking) and we didn't feel it and we brushed it off, we continued talking (me and my grandpa) and my younger cousin said that Taal volcano is erupting (spewing an ash column about 100m. Tall) and there's a live stream on YouTube.
          Now, where I was at that time I found out, is a bit far from the city, and it's 4:30 so I hurriedly went home. The ash clouds weren't as visible.
          But when I arrived in the city, the ash cloud is huge and incredibly visible and people are oblivious to what it actually is. Now I arrive home, i live beside the road you'd take to get to taal, you can clearly see it. It's huge. There's lightning going through it. Gradually, the earthquakes are getting more frequent and more stronger. 
          It's now 2am and It's calm and quiet. I hope it stays that way. I hope it's not a repeat of the deadly Taal eruption of 1754 and 1911.
          I sincerely pray for my fellow Batangas citizens, my fellow Filo Armys. 


@ShookyCooky1 thank you really, help and donations are much appreciated 


@_jjazzzyy I hope you stay safe because Taal volcano is one of the dangerous active volcano in our country. (im not trying to scare you)
            When i found out about it, i cant help about being scared. We were at our uncle's at that time. We thought its just ashes going out but its was going to erupt.
            I hope you stay safe and everyone who is affecetd. 


this message may be offensive
Telling the internet where I live may be unsafe but a literal volcano is on the verge of erupting so what's one more threat am I right?
            Damn spread awareness, pray for us, capitalists stop fucking hoarding masks