
Updated the " woe tale of blue and black " check it out


@aabbe06 I had another idea and so instead of the Jiang Sect leader, the Nei sect found Wei Ying took him in as the third young master.
          The Nie sect leader together wit his head disciples was in Yiling for a night hunt and they stumbled upon a battlefield between a beast and two cultivators. Rushing to help the two struggling cultivators, Sect leader immediately recognises them, Wei Changze and his wife Cangse Sanren. After the heated battle, the couples suddenly dropped to the ground exhausted and bleeding.
          The Nie's quickly applied medicine and first aid to but it was inevitable, the Weis' wounds were too deep and their core energy low thus unable to close. The Nie sect leader and Weis' knew that they were dying, so the couples told the Nie their final wish "please bring my child, Wei Ying to yunmeng Jiang sect and make sure that he is cared and loved for." But the leader was reluctant and said " I promise you that I will make sure he is cared and loved" with the promise made the Weis' pass on.
          The Nies quickly located Wei Ying and brought him to say his final good bye to parents as the Nie's gave the Weis' a proper burial. The sect leader did what he had promised and brought Wei Ying to yunmeng Jiang, he was reluctant as he knows the wife, The violent spider was a strong headed woman filled with hatred and jealousy towards Cangse Sanren. As they announced themselves and brought inside to the throne room where the Jiang couple was sitting. The Nies' told everything to Jiangs of what had happened and what was promised, the wife screamed and shouted and drama was unleashed. Seeing this the Nie sect leader, pitied Wei Ying and was afraid that he will be abused by the family, strongly voiced with the Jiangs that he will take Wei Ying in and left.