
Salam alayk.
          	This is a long update.
          	I’m hereby standing for myself in case people was confused with what has been happening recently, in reference to the year that I’ve been writing for more than a decade — a time range that was long enough for me to try and error almost every genre that I wanted to write before decided to settle down with slice of life;
          	A kind of random stranger that happens to be at the front door but were standing still; contemplating between to let him/her in or to ignore just because s/he isn’t someone who we knew or expected to be.
          	Never have I claimed anything that I’ve written so far is solely mine neither have I said any specific word structure is purely my rights as a founder — for I, too, read and wrote in the already known try and error manner in seeking for a voice that I belong for.
          	Hence, when someone speak in the same voice until mine fades and causing confusion to others, I believe I have the right to question particularly if almost everything sounds too familiar as if I’m not the pen for the paper.
          	I’m used to being silent but I’m not someone who would be one when it comes to what I’ve been doing for a decade later. Pull all triggers if that’s what you prefer. I could do this over and over again, one after another because that’s what I am doing — as a mother.
          	Say no to plagiarism 
          	‘Cause here, the hell and high water. 


Salam alayk.
          This is a long update.
          I’m hereby standing for myself in case people was confused with what has been happening recently, in reference to the year that I’ve been writing for more than a decade — a time range that was long enough for me to try and error almost every genre that I wanted to write before decided to settle down with slice of life;
          A kind of random stranger that happens to be at the front door but were standing still; contemplating between to let him/her in or to ignore just because s/he isn’t someone who we knew or expected to be.
          Never have I claimed anything that I’ve written so far is solely mine neither have I said any specific word structure is purely my rights as a founder — for I, too, read and wrote in the already known try and error manner in seeking for a voice that I belong for.
          Hence, when someone speak in the same voice until mine fades and causing confusion to others, I believe I have the right to question particularly if almost everything sounds too familiar as if I’m not the pen for the paper.
          I’m used to being silent but I’m not someone who would be one when it comes to what I’ve been doing for a decade later. Pull all triggers if that’s what you prefer. I could do this over and over again, one after another because that’s what I am doing — as a mother.
          Say no to plagiarism 
          ‘Cause here, the hell and high water. 


          Just want to share. Dalam banyak2 cerpen yang sedari tulis, ada satu cerpen yg saya masih tunggu tulisannya sampai ke hari ini. Watak-wataknya melekat di ingatan walaupun dah lama cepen tu ditulis. Hahahah. Tak silap saya tajuk cerpen tu Mozart. Watak utama dia Siham dan Es-es. Susah nak lupa 2 watak ni. Tak tau kenapa. 
          What happen to them eh. Masih menulis tentang mereka ke? Ada update yg saya terlepas ke?  


Salam alayk, kind souls.
          Insya-Allah saya ada ebook percuma untuk diberi. Cerpen lama dari blog lama yang berkemungkinan besar di-revamp untuk bacaan yang lebih lancar, seiring dengan matang usia. 
          Boleh ke feed Instagram saya atau post di Facebook (untuk friends) untuk maklumat lebih lanjut. Link Google form ada di bio ❤️
          Akan diedarkan secara random pada bila-bila masa di sepanjang Ramadan, Insya-Allah.


@nurchayalan acesthiumhayyat ☺️


I am legit scared of revealing Bab 6 but again, will only reconsider the decision after getting enough votes (not obsess over the stars but it is rather an excuse not to share the spoilers). 
          May Allah ease everything dan seperti biasa,
          Updating a status sebab saja nak membako.


Random at two.
          Justice untuk lelaki emo pakai beanie hijau tua. Justice untuk lelaki muzik yang dah naik pangkat dari MP3 ke telefon bimbit dia.
          Dan tentu sekali justice untuk footnote dan rujukan berdasarkan published journal sebab dah azam nak keluar dari kepompong selesa.
          Yang pasti,
          Tasabar nak justice dekat singa ternak dan lelaki malignant. Dekat Voila Kudos. Dekat jargons dan terms.
          Slowly. Surely. Steadily.
          — 0212: Still at the beanie.


Fitri senyum manis. Kit kuning itu diusap permukaannya yang berkilat namun masih kesat. "Buat sedia kalau apa-apa jadi."
          Mata itu redup.
          Selalu sahaja begitu.
          "Ini... fardu kifayah."
          Old version: 2018


@szhrqar ❤️❤️❤️


          Dengan ini saya membuka link untuk pra-tempah ebook 1024. Boleh klik link di bio untuk maklumat lanjut ❤️
          What’s inside 1024?
          — 300+ pages
          — 30k ++ words
          — A Spotify Playlist 
          — 20 Calls Theme
          — 17 Main Chapters 
          — 3 Sebalik Tabir (they do play major roles in explaining some of the unexplained scenes in the main chapters)
          — And some additional headings 
          What would one find in 1024?
          — Slice of life as the main genre
          — Family/siblings relationships
          — Toxic/pure friendships
          — Mental health issues and stigmas 
          — Light (~0.1–10%) romance 
          What (triggers) are to be expected?
          — Lots, lots & lots of Spain without ✨S✨
          — A somewhat heavy & slow-paced story
          Insya-Allah file PDF akan dihantar selepas tempoh pre-order (10/10/22) tamat. Semoga tinta ini sampai kepada jiwa-jiwa yang memerlukan, apatah lagi yang sudi menyambutnya apa ada.
          Semoga Allah redha. ❤️
          With warm regards,
          Hayyat A.



Salam alayk, kind souls.
          These past few days were hitting us so hard that at times, I found myself to struggle with normal breathing. The steady, deep kind of breathing.
          Some of us lost a father, a mother, a family, a friend, a colleague, and even a random stranger we met on our way home along the street. Our mental health is deteriorating. We had these uneasy, mixed feelings. While we may have it rough, some had it rougher. People lost their jobs, getting fired for no reason, having financial difficulties, and just... lost.
          I hope you're doing well.
          I hope you're coping up well. 
          I'm rebuilding my first home of writing though it may seem to be quite orangy than what I had in mind. Nevertheless, since I'm not familiar with filling up forms and sending free e-books via e-mails (still blaming the technostress and headache), I decided to write and maybe publish back some of the old stories (ones which are less awkward; noted).
          I'll be publishing a few old cerpens including Untuk Tidak Lupa, Untuk Tidak Lupa Unwritten, 1024, and Roti Kapit Telur. These were available on Facebook but I'll put them here for comfort purposes.
          And, no. I'm not reconsidering writing "Mubarak" at the moment. :)
          Upcoming chapters of "Dear Bach" are still unavailable, I'm sorry.
          Until then,
          May Allah bless.


@ntgravity In Shaa Allah. Thank you sis. It's a tough time. I hope you take care ya 


Waalaikumsalam… In Shaa Allah come back strong ya..! 


@AqilahYusof Yes, I changed my pen name since 2019 for a new change of pace and fresh air. In Shaa Allah will be publishing some of my old works here. I hope you'd enjoy reading 'em ☺️